Actinic Keratosis Can Be Precancerous
Skin cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed of all cancers, exceeding even colorectal, prostate, breast, and lung cancer. It is dubbed as the most widespread cancer in the 20 – 39 age group of the entire population. There are many people who actually do not even know that actinic keratosis may potentially turn into squamous cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer, if left unattended. If lesions from actinic keratosis are untreated, they have a 20% risk of becoming cancerous.
Other names for actinic keratosis include solar keratosis as well as senile keratosis, and it usually appears as coarse, small patches of skin around 2 to 6 mm in diameter. Often painful as well as sore, the actinic keratoses are colored red. You might also occasionally see white or yellow scales on them.
Studies show that its propensity to be precancerous makes it a dangerous form of skin disease.
Studies prove that too much time under the sun is the major reason behind the occurrence of solar keratosis. The most vulnerable to this skin condition are those who have fair skin and stay out in the sun too long without protection.
Actinic keratosis commonly afflicts the forearms as well as upper part of the hands the most often. This is due to the fact that these body parts are commonly the most exposed to the sun’s rays. The nape, scalp and face are also places where actinic keratosis surfaces. Even the legs may be affected, for some individuals.
It is highly suggested that lesions on the epidermis caused by actinic keratosis be removed as soon as possible. Once you start seeing strange lesions on your skin that are reddish, it is best to see your dermatologist. Consult with your doctor to confirm if the spots are the precancerous kind. Once the dermatologist diagnoses your lesions as those caused by actinic keratosis, it is time to move quickly. Time is important when it comes to cancer. The sooner that the cancer is treated, the better the chances are of you being healed.
The use of creams is one method of actinic keratosis treatment. Photodynamic creams or those that come with imiquimod, diclofenac, or 5-fluorouracil are applied in skin therapy to treat actinic keratosis. Lasers are also used for this reason. Other people prefer cryosurgery or the burning/cutting of the lesions on the epidermis.
No matter what kind of technique you choose to deal with your skin lesions, do remember to engage only competent and respectable doctors. Precancerous spots might be fatal if you are careless.