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How Large Do Liver Spots Grow?

How Large Do Liver Spots Grow?

Liver spots are just one of the many skin conditions that a person may have. They appear as blemishes and are believed to be caused by over exposure to radiation from the sun.  Though not contagious, as some other skin conditions are, liver spots may cause the affected person some amount of embarrassment.  Particularly, since these brown spots tend to appear more commonly on the face, shoulders, arms, legs and scalp if bald.  One might very well be concerned with its growth and its size and this is especially true if the spots cover the facial area.

Anyone having liver spots will show a discoloration of the skin from light brown, red or black patches. It is painless and does not itch. The patches are about 1/8 of an inch to 1 inch in diameter. Those who spend a lot of time in the sun without any protection, such as a sunscreen, are susceptible to more blemishes.

As a person ages, the skin loses some of its elasticity as well as its ability to regenerate new cells faster. That is why liver spots are commonly found among men and women of age 40 and above. Normally cells are renewed every two to three weeks. But, as we get older, this process slows down causing the top layer of skin to remain and harden before regeneration takes place. Note however, that liver spots are also found in younger persons, as the main cause is over exposure to the sun.

One does not have to worry about it being permanent because there are treatments. Over the counter treatments are available and cost effective. They take the form of oral or topical solutions. If liver spots are severe however, it may be prudent to see a medical doctor for prescription drugs. For a more permanent solution, and for those who can afford it, there is electro surgery, laser treatment and cryotherapy.

Liver spots are harmless, non contagious blemishes that occur due to over exposure to sunlight. It is not cancerous and certainly not related to any condition that involves the liver. Growth will be stunted if precautionary measures are adhered to. The following are some steps that can be taken to prevent or fade liver spots.

  1. Wear a sunscreen that is at least SPF 15.
  2. Wear sunglasses to protect the eyes and or a wide brimmed hat to protect the face.
  3. Wear protective clothing with UPF of 40 if you intend on spending a long time in the sun. Choose an appropriate time of day when the sun is cooler. Avoid going in the sun at midday.
  4. Take short breaks from the sun.

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