Is Keratosis Contagious?Keratosis is the result of the excess protein accumulation called keratin. The way in which it manifests relies on several factors like the kind of keratosis involved. Due to its extensive array of manifestations, it is typically misdiagnosed as moles, warts or worse, skin cancer. Several types though are harmless and do not require treatment while some are pre-cancerous and need medical attention. If that is the case, are they contagious? Many think otherwise but actually no form of keratosis is contagious. The disease could never be caught from nor passed onto the other person. Excellent skin care is the most effective shield in keeping yourself free from developing any form of keratosis. Moreover, many find that using commercially available treatments for skin care effectively remove the existing lesions, thus helping them deal with irritation or making them less obvious. As with the case of actinic keratosis, or AK, although they are not contagious, one should never undermine its occurrence. If it goes untreated, chances of developing them into skin cancer are ascertained. Better yet, avoid exposing yourself too much to intense sunlight. Moreover, study show that the UV radiation emitted from tanning booths contribute in developing AK. If you plan to go outdoors, it is suggested to apply sun screen which effectively help in preventing or delaying the development of this condition. Conversely, seborrheic keratosis and keratosis pilaris are said to be genetic or hereditary in nature. This implies that there is no such skin care treatment or regiment that will possibly prevent the growth of these types. Since most keratoses are benign, this means it does not need medical treatment. But individuals suffering from AK’s must ask for medical advice because this type is pre-cancerous. Keratotic lesions can be removed with modern medical procedures such as curettage procedures right through the office of the doctor, electrocautery or cryosurgery. Medications are also available which includes imiquimod, diclofenac and fluorouracil, proven to be effective in treating AK. Therefore, the greatest defense one ever has is healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and proper nutrition. If you have beautiful skin, that is a gift. You should look after that gift. Yet, it never warrants that you will be exempted for skin problems. In fact, pollution contributes in spreading diseases rapidly, in addition to hotter climate which make it easier for viruses to propagate quickly.