30th December 2011
When you allow the sun to tan your skin excessively without adequate protection, it may lead to one of form of skin disorder or the other and in some cases can result in keratosis as you grow older. When it appears on the skin, this skin condition causes abnormal growths on the skin. It can be so unfair on the skin to the extent that it can occur in places like the face and the legs where everybody can see it on you. It had also been discovered that keratosis can affect both male and female alike. Your age also does not matter; it can affect people of different age groups. But in most cases, it had been found to be common in the older generation. If you are looking for a natural treatment for keratosis to do yourself at home, this simple write up will point out the way to you. But first be sure of the type of keratosis you have – seborrheic keratosis is harmless and you can treat this yourself, wheras actinic keratosis should only be treated by a doctor.
Lemon sugar scrub can help
This method of treating keratosis naturally has proved itself to be one of the most dependable methods that are available out there. It is a very effective home treatment that every one loves to use. You need to mix honey, sugar, lemon and almond oil together to form the lemon sugar scrub. Before you can make use of the method for treating the skin condition, make sure you clean the area of the skin. You can as well take your bath. Consistency is very essential when you are making use of this method.
Tie things up
This method involves tying a knot on the growth. Leave the knot on it or as long as possible and make sure that this is repeated everyday. If possible, you can leave the knot for the whole day. Tying the knot will prevent the supply of blood and nutrient to the spot. The keratosis growth will dry up with time and it will fall off in form of blister.
Balanced diet is essential
One of the most effective ways to treat keratosis skin condition is by eating balanced diet. Make sure that your food is rich in supplements; especially in vitamins. In order to ensure that you get the normal supply of vitamins per day, you can also rely on vitamin supplements. You can be sure that these natural methods will get rid of keratosis within a short period of time; provided that you never grow impatient with them.
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29th December 2011
Age spots are harmless brown spots that are mostly found on a person’s skin as they age, hence the name age spots. They are also sun related and can be prevented from an early age. However, if you already have age spots and are looking for a way to remove them then there are several ways to do so. You could opt for laser treatment or home remedies. Over the counter drugs are also an option, in fact, they are the most common option for most people suffering from age spots. Creams are an example of over the counter treatments for age spots. Most people choose creams because of their ease of application, the small number of side effects involved and the simple instructions.
A great number of the creams can be found over the counter and they are effective in reducing the appearance of age spots. Most of these creams work because they have powerful ingredients that are very effective when it comes to age spots removal. The key ingredients found in age spot removal creams are;
Hydroquinone– this is the most effective ingredient that is found in creams. Most of the over the counter drugs contain this ingredient up to 2%. For more doses a patient will have to get a prescription product which will contain up to 4% of this ingredient. Usually this product needs to be applied to the skin and it needs to penetrate both the dermis and epidermis layers of the skin for it to be effective. Consistency will provide results in the first 2 months.
Tretinoin– this is an ingredient that helps in balancing any irregular skin conditions. This in turn will help in reducing the appearance of the spots. Tretinoin is related to vitamin A which is also known to reduce the appearance of spots and scars. It causes the shedding of old skin cells and replaces them with new ones, thus eliminating the scars altogether. This ingredient is often combined with hydroquinone for the treatment to be more effective.
Glycolic acid– this acid works by peeling away the skin cells of the age spots which, over time, fade away leaving the brown spot looking like the rest of the surrounding skin. It should be noted that this ingredient is not the most effective when it comes to age spots. But it should be sufficient enough to fade lighter age spots.
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28th December 2011
Seborrheic Removal
You can make use of several methods for the removal of seborrheic keratosis. You can also get this done within a very short period of time and with minimal pain. The only thing about making use of these methods for treating the skin condition is that you should never expect them to work like magic. None of them will bring about an overnight complete healing to this skin condition. Patience is therefore very essential as a virtue that you must possess when you are thinking of treating this skin condition and becoming permanently free from it. This simple write up presented here will teach you very simple methods that can help you get rid of this skin condition with minimum pain.
Cryosurgery is one of the surest ways of getting rid of seborrheic keratosis from your skin. It had become so helpful to the extent that several individuals prefer using it to any other method. It should only be carried out by a qualified doctor as the freezing liquid nitrogen can burn the surrounding skin. One thing that should be noted is that there is yet a treatment method for this skin condition that had ever given 100% reliance. But the use of cryosurgery had been discovered to be able to give up to 80% reliance in the treatment of seborrheic keratosis.
The use of laser as a treatment method for seborrheic keratosis is also noteworthy. This too has a high success rate. Very little number of patients had reported back with recurrent growth of this skin condition. But one thing about the use of laser for the treatment of this skin condition is that it can be considerably expensive. The patient may therefore want to seek for cheaper options. But if you can bear the cost, you may be making one of the wisest decisions by engaging the use of laser for treating seborrheic keratosis.
It is also possible to get rid of seborrheic keratosis by surgical excision. The excision helps to remove the skin condition through direct surgery. This may lead to a considerable measure of bleeding. But the surgeon carrying out the excision should be able to put things under control. After the use of this method, it is possible to experience some measure of recurrent growth. In fact, only about half of those who had been treated through this method had never reported recurrent growth. But the method can be combined with others for better treatment of seborrheic keratosis.
There are also many natural methods of removing seborrheic keratosis which you can do you yourself at home, however these methods will take longer than those described above.
27th December 2011
Pigmentation can occur on any part of the skin. It can also affect any gender male or female of any age. It has however been found to be most common in adolescent females and it remains throughout life unless something is done to find the root cause of your pigmentation. Pigmentation does not in any way have a negative effect on your health, only self confidence. It also does not lead to cancer in any way. Since it does not lead to cancer or any health problems, you may decide not to bother doing anything about it in the least. But the skin problem can really make your skin look older than its years. In order to get your even toned skin back, you may decide to look for a home treatment to get rid of pigmentation.
There are many different methods to remove pigmentation from your skin. There are several advanced and natural methods that have been developed. On many occasions, the natural methods have been discovered to be preferred over the advanced technological methods for treating the skin condition. Some of the home remedies for pigmentation home treatment are mentioned below.
Honey is helpful
In order to treat pigmentation at home, you can utilize honey. Generally, honey is a reliable treatment method for many forms of skin problems. In fact, honey has been used for many years to make body creams. It has also been found to be able to get rid of skin pigmentation within a very short period of time after you start its application. The honey is however not used alone for treating the skin problem. It is used alongside egg yolk and pumpkin. The pumpkin is cooked and mashed into paste and one egg is broken to retrieve its yolk. This mixture is very helpful in getting rid of the skin condition. All you need to do is to apply it as often as possible.
Try aloe Vera gel
There is no way aloe Vera can ever be dismissed in the treatment of skin problems. It had been used in making creams and it had also been found to be very useful in treating skin pigmentation at home.
You should visit your doctor to determine the cause of your skin pigmentation, but you do not need to visit the hospital at all to get all these treatment methods applied. You can also obtain either aloe Vera or honey all over the place. They had also been discovered to be very reliable in treating this skin condition. They will also not leave any form of side effect on your skin.
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26th December 2011
Several treatment methods had been made available today for the complete removal of liver spots. In fact, the companies making these treatment methods are in real big business; considering the number of individuals that are patronizing them. Some of the treatment methods are actually working, but some of them do not help you to get rid of liver spots and they may even lead to further damage of your skin.
There are also several medical related methods that can be utilized for the treatment of this skin condition. Most; if not all the medical methods can be very helpful in treating the skin problem. One problem about them is the fact that many of them can be very expensive. Anyone who does not have the financial wherewithal may therefore not be able to access them.
The natural alternative
In case you want to get rid of your liver spots problem and you do not have the extra cash to visit the doctor or you find it difficult to put your trust in many of the over the counter medications, you can always get things settled right at home in the natural way. Several researches had been conducted into several natural methods that can be used in treating this skin problem. This simple write up will enlighten you further.
Aloe Vera does it all
For hundreds of years, Aloe Vera had been known to be a comprehensive healer. It is known to be able to help with all forms of ailments; be it internal or external ailment. It had also been used in making creams to be applied one the skin. In the same vein, it is used extensively for the natural treatment of liver spots. It is also so easy to use and you will never need to spend an arm and a leg to lay your hands on it; in fact, you can get it at your backyard garden.
The juice obtained in aloe Vera is applied on the skin problem as frequently as possible. The aloe Vera need to be squeezed before the juice can be obtained. Depending on the quantity of aloe Vera you are able to get, you can also consume some of the aloe Vera by eating them. This will enable the whole thing to work better.
Side Effects
No form of side effect had ever been reported as far as this natural method for treating liver spots is concerned. You can then use it freely without any worry.
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25th December 2011
Keratosis is becoming a much more common skin condition today. If you are the type of person that exposes yourself to the sun, you are likely to end up with it. The skin condition occurs as a result of exposure to the ultraviolet radiation that is released by the sun. When the skin is over exposed to the sun, it can result in this skin condition after years of accumulated sun exposure. Seborrheic keratosis looks like brown waxy growths. It may be in your best interest to look for a way to get rid of the skin problem in case you are already having it. Finding the best home keratosis removal method for this particular skin condition can be very challenging. Here we will try to look into some possible home treatment methods that will help you to get rid of keratosis from your skin in a short period of time.
Some herbs can help
Lots of claims had been made about some materials and how helpful they can be in treating this skin condition. Despite the big words that had been used in describing many of them, it is disturbing to realize that they don’t actually work as described. In case you are looking for something that really works and will give you a fresh skin again at the end of the day, you may want to look into the use of herbs. Some herbs have been discovered to be able to clear your skin of keratosis. This write up will look into some of them.
Aloe Vera
You can always put your trust in aloe Vera to help you out with this skin condition. It seems to be the most dependable form of herb that can be used in the treatment of this rather offensive skin condition. Generally, aloe Vera is known to be able to cure your skin of several ailments including several skin problems. In the same vein, it can be extensively used for the treatment of keratosis. Several methods had been followed in the application of aloe Vera on the keratosis on your skin. You can decide to consume it orally or apply it directly on the skin.
This is another type of herb that had been used extensively for treating keratosis. It had been used with very great result. It can be squeezed to extract the liquid content. The liquid content can then be applied to the surface of the skin condition and you will get cured of the skin condition in after applying it for some weeks.
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24th December 2011
An age spot is also called a sun spot or solar lentigo and are formed when the skin has been overexposed to the sun. These spots mostly appear on the skin as a person ages. They are not aesthetically appealing and hence they cause a lot of people to seek treatment that can reduce their appearance or get rid of them completely. Most of these age spots appear on the face, hands and arms. There are a number of options available when it comes to treating age spots, however not all of them may be preferable depending on the location of the age spot. For instance, an age spot on the face, a lot of people would want to get rid of them much quicker and there are suitable ways of doing this.
- Make use of over the counter treatment. You can find out from your local pharmacy if they offer age spot treatment. Most of the treatment offered will contain hydroquinone which is a very effective ingredient when it comes to treating age spot. Most over the counter drugs contain only 2% of hydroquinone as the law requires it. This can be applied to the affected areas both in the morning and in the evening. Over time, it will be noted that the appearance of the spots has improved.
- If you note that the over the counter drugs are not working, you can talk to your dermatologist about getting creams that contain retinoids. Retinoids are another effective ingredient when it comes to fading age spots. Some of these retinoids work by inducing skin exfoliation and this exposes fresh skin cells.
- Chemical peels are another option when it comes to facial age spot removal. They work by applying acid to the area with the age spot then neutralizing it after a certain duration of time has passed. They burn away the extra melanin on the skin and peel it off. This gives new skin cells the chance of developing.
- Laser therapy is one other option that can be used to treat a facial age spot. In this treatment lasers are used to burn away the layer of skin with the age spot, thus removing it. This method can be used for an age spot that is either mild or severe.
- Cyrotherapy is relatively new and unknown to a majority of the population. It involves the age spot being frozen using extreme temperatures. This promotes the skin to repair itself.
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23rd December 2011
Seborrheic keratosis is a skin condition that involves the growth of skin cells in an abnormal manner. This causes the skin to appear blotchy and a lot of people do not appreciate the appearance that comes about with this skin condition. Most of the keratosis growths are benign and are hence harmless but this hasn’t stopped people from seeking treatment to remove the growths. The main reason here would be for aesthetic reasons. There are a variety of options to choose from when it comes to getting rid of seborrheic keratosis naturally. However, most of these options tend to be expensive and not entirely available to everyone. Because of this, a lot of people are seeking natural, alternative methods for removing seborrheic keratosis. It is important to note that most natural treatment methods work much slower as compared to store bought or prescription drugs. So this may not be the best option if you are looking for a fast working solution, but the advantage is that you can monitor the progress and do the treatment gradually.
One effective way of reducing the appearance and treating seborrheic keratosis naturally is through the application of glycolic acid solution. This acid is effective in that it burns away the cells on the growths thus exposing the skin underneath. This provides new skin cells the opportunity to grow. The acid can cause irritation so it is recommended that the surrounding skin be covered with lotion or petroleum jelly to prevent any irritation from happening. It is also important to note that when applying this solution, it is advisable that you do not apply all of it at once to the affected parts of the body. You should apply on one growth and allow the solution to take effect then wash it off. Do this continuously until you’ve treated all the growths you have. This treatment needs to be administered at least twice per week for one to see results.
Hydrogen peroxide is another ingredient used to treat seborrheic keratosis. Once the hydrogen peroxide is applied to the growths, they will turn pink and then white. At this time you may experience peeling which is effective in order to reduce the appearance of the growths. They will simply dry out and fall off.
It is also important that the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide is around 30% percent to be effective. Hydrogen peroxide is a completely natural solution, the scientific formula is H2O2 which means it contains 2 parts hydrogen and 2 parts oxygen – its basically water with an extra oxygen molecule!
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22nd December 2011
Pigmentation can really affect the skin negatively and in rare cases can also be a symptom of underlying health conditions, but most commonly it appears on women and is caused by sun exposure ( sun spots), aging (age spots & liver spots) or a hormonal imbalance (melasma, chloasma & pregnancy mask). Research had been conducted to determine if this skin condition can lead to cancer. But nothing had been discovered to link the two of them together. Despite the fact that the skin condition can’t lead to cancer, it can really disfigure the skin and make the person having it look older than his or her real age. Are you suffering from this skin condition? Then it is certain that you will be willing to get rid of it as soon as possible. In case you have never heard of hereditary pigmentation, read on to discover a better insight into what it really means.
What does it mean?
Hereditary pigmentation is the type that is inherited from relations & ancestors. It is then passed across from generation to generation. In this kind of situation, any pigment that had appeared on the parents can actually appear on the children and the situation goes on and on from generation to generation. One thing about hereditary pigmentation is that it can affect both the male and the female. It can also be found on any part of the body. Inheriting this skin condition is usually an excess of pigment in this skin which we refer to as hyperpigmentation, but there are also skin conditions involving a lack of pigmentation which is called hypopigmentation.
When does it start?
It is true that the hereditary pigmentation gene is passed from parents to the offspring, but the pigment in the skin does not tend to show up on the skin at a younger age. No child has ever been reported to be suffering from hereditary pigmentation, with the exception of birthmarks. The pigment has been known to appear on the skin from the age of twenty five upwards. Some individuals may however be lucky and the hereditary pigments will not appear on them until they have grown as old as 35 years of age. There are also some very rare cases in which the skin condition comes up far earlier than has been mentioned. Some offspring can also be especially fortunate not to ever have the pigmentation at all on their skin all through their life time, there is no way of predicting if you will develop it or not.
When the hereditary pigmentation occurs on the skin, it comes up in the form of follicular pigmentation. After it had appeared on a spot, it tends to spread to other parts of the skin. The pigmentation can also coalesce to form various patches of different sizes. It is only very few individuals among the offspring that are fortunate enough not to develop the skin condition.
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21st December 2011
Age spot appears on an individual as the person grows older. As aging sets in, the whole body tends to weaken. The ability fight off infection and invasion reduces. The melanin is naturally present on the skin to help in protecting it from the penetration of the ultraviolet ray. With the increased in age, the actions of the melanin tends to get negatively affected and they will not be able to perform their duty of protecting the skin effectively. This will then expose the skin to invasion of the UV ray. The invasion can only lead to the damage of the skin, which then results into the formation of liver spot on the skin. There are many products available over the counter to treat liver spots, one of the most popular is liver spot cream, probably due to its ease of use and gradual application.
Don’t make mistakes in your choice
Due to ignorance, some people are using anti aging creams for treating liver spots. In case you are one of those doing this, you will do well to stop. This is because anti aging creams are only made to freshen up your skin and remove the effect of aging. A liver spot is caused by exposure to ultraviolet ray and not as a result of aging. Using anti aging cream will only be wasting your hard earned money, unless you also also have crows feet and wrinkles you wish to treat at the same time.
Over the counter creams
Since the moment liver spot had been noticed, various products had been designed for its treatment. Many of the products come in form of creams that can be directly applied to the surface affected. It is also very possible for you to come by the creams over the counter. This way, you will never need to visit any hospital to get your liver spot treated. You only need to apply the cream to the affected area and you can be sure of getting your fresh skin back before long.
Involving a dermatologist
There are some liver spot creams that will come with the inscription that you should ‘use as directed by the physician’. In your own interest, it will be better to oblige. If not, all sorts of side effects may ensue that you will not be able to control.
Before application of the liver spot cream on your skin, it will be better if you can wash the surface of the affected area. This will ensure better effect of the cream on the liver spot.
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