Keratosis Lesions

Keratosis Lesions

Keratosis lesions are small, dry, scaly and crusty growths that are found mostly in areas that are frequently exposed to the sun. These seborrheic keratoses are harmless and non-cancerous but they make the skin look ugly as it becomes covered in brown waxy growths. Actinic keratosis are precancerous and should only be treated by a doctor, people with light complexions are more susceptible to these lesions. Keratosis lesions will barely be noticed in the early stages. It is hardly noticed by sight when starting. They begins as a small rash that grows gradually until they reach a size of about three to six millimeters when they can be termed as fully grown.

All keratosis lesions are believed to be caused by ultraviolet rays from sunlight due to the high probability of the lesions to be found in areas that are frequently exposed to the sun like the bald head, the back of the neck, face, ears, back of the hands and the forearms.

Keratosis lesions do not have a vaccination that will assure you of prevention but one sure way of being safe is simply ensuring that exposure of the skin to the sun’s rays is very minimal since these rays are the main causes of the condition.

Sunscreen is also a good way of ensuring that the exposure of the rays to the skin is minimal. It should be applied to the face, ears, back of the neck, back of the hands, forearms and any other skin surface that would normally come to contact with the sun. Application is done in the mornings on the days that sun exposure is anticipated.

Hats can also be used to cover the head in the event that the person has a bald head since it is one part of the body that hugely suffers from exposure to the sun’s rays.

Seborrheic keratosis lesions can be treated in many ways some surgical, others complex methods to be handled only by qualified doctors and others simple home remedies. The home remedies that can remove keratosis lesions include the use of glycolic acid spray, liquid nitrogen and the use of hydrogen peroxide.

Glycolic acid can be dangerous when used on the face hence it is discouraged for application on the face but it works very well in removing keratosis lesions on most of the other parts of the body. It might also sting a little bit on the first application but will soon be tolerable.

Liquid nitrogen and Glycolic acid can be irritable when removing keratosis lesions on some skin types hence it is advisable to consult a doctor before application.

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Keratosis Skin Problems

Frictional Keratosis




Age Spots on Neck

Age Spots on Neck

Age spots on neck are caused by overexposure of the neck to the sun as this is typically an area of skin we forget to apply sunscreen to. Ultraviolet rays from the sun are the cause of age spots. However, they are more common with elderly people hence the name age spots, although they can also be called liver spots, sun spots or solar lentigo.

The skin has a layer of melanin. This is the dark pigment that gives colour to the skin. It is also a protective pigment of the skin. When the skin is overexposed to the sun, more melanin is produced by the body to protect it from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

As one grows old, these small bits of melanin naturally jpin together and form dark pigmentation spots that are known as age spots. The neck is very much affected because usually it is left uncovered hence exposed to the sun.

There are many remedies when one wants to cure age spots on neck. They range from natural methods to laser treatment. Most of the treatment methods can be done at home but if all fail, there are other methods of removal that have higher chances of success than the home methods.

One very common method of removing age spots on neck is lemon juice. Lemon juice is good as it acts as a sterilizer and also as a skin toner. It is preferred because it has no side effects to the skin. However, for those with sensitive skin, it is advisable to use mild lemon juice. This does not cause irritation.

Another good method to get rid of age spots on neck is aloe vera gel. This gel is known for its many therapeutic properties. When removing age spots from the neck, this gel is applied directly onto the skin and left there for about 20 to 30 minutes. It is then washed off using cold water.

Another method of removing age spots on neck is liquid nitrogen. It freezes the age spots and makes them peel off like a chemical peel. This method can sting, or leave white marks where the spots were so it is advisable to talk to a doctor before attempting to apply liquid nitrogen, and if you do try it – test it in a cosmetically unimportant area first.

If home methods prove ineffective in removing the age spots, then laser therapy can be used. In this therapy, the affected skin is subjected to a beam of light, which enters the skin and destroys the cells that cause such spotting. Although laser therapy can be expensive, it is very effective since it can completely remove age spots.

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Age Spots On Scalp

When Do Age Spots Start?


Seborrheic Keratosis On Scalp

Seborrheic Keratosis On Scalp

Seborrheic keratosis is a common harmless skin lesion condition that appears mostly in adults. Seborrheic keratosis may look like brown warts. These lesions however are harmless and rarely do they become malignant. They start as slightly raised skin that has light brown colored spots. With time, they gradually thicken, become rough and slowly darken to turn black. The color changes are harmless however they may result into cancerous lesions.

The bad thing about seborrheic keratosis is that it appears to stick on to the skin in both the covered and uncovered parts of the body making it even hard for some of the affected people to notice it in some cases.

The cause of seborrheic keratosis has not been established yet, but it is largely believed to be caused by prolonged exposure to sun rays. Seborrheic keratosis is considered to be degenerative in nature. It appears as part of the skin’s aging process. With time, seborrheic keratosis becomes more numerous. Some people tend to inherit this tendency to develop seborrheic keratosis from their parents. However, it is not so common. For further diagnosis, in case you are not sure what the condition is, it is advisable to consult a doctor to eliminate any fatal ailments.

Seborrheic keratosis on scalp is a rare condition that affects some people. These people may notice lumps on the top of their heads, but in order to be more aware and informed, one should read more on them and find out about the best treatment. However, seeing a dermatologist will help a great deal.

Here are general tips to the affected people on how to reduce their effects and appearances:

  • Maintaining daily pampering of the scalp.
  • Avoiding anxiety and depression. Emotions elevate seborrheic keratosis appearance.
  • Avoid laziness. One should be active and maintain routine exercises to enable the body sweat and remove toxins from the scalp.
  • One should take charge of the situation and initiate treatments including home remedies before switching to professional help.
  • Make sure to read more about the condition and how you can eliminate it using the most recommended treatments and cosmetics if available.
  • Seek the help of a good dermatologist or family doctor always to investigate the lesions on the scalp before they become malignant.
  • Use of steroid creams. They will get the condition under control fast because they cause the skin to become thin hence give no room for the growth of keratosis.

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Seborrheic Keratosis Growths

Best Way to Remove Seborrheic Keratosis


Pigmentation Spots

Pigmentation Spots

Skin pigmentation spots are formed where the skin gets covered by small blemishes or patches hence it gets darker in some areas and lighter in others. These blemishes are caused mainly by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Melanin is a pigment that is produced by the skin to guard it against the harsh ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

When the skin is overexposed to the sun, a lot of melanin is produced for protection. As the skin ages, the melanin produced tends to stick together causing pigmentation, also called age spots, liver spots or sun spots.

However, in some cases skin pigmentation spots are caused by genetics when they are linked to the relatives of the affected person. Also, deficiency in vitamins A and C makes our skins tend to become weaker and more vulnerable, hence also causing skin pigmentation.

There are several ways of treating skin pigmentation but the first step that anyone should take in treating brown spots is preventing more exposure of the skin to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. This includes the use of sunscreen where exposure is anticipated and hats together with other protective clothing to cover the head and other body parts that could be exposed.

There are quite a number of home remedies for pigmentation spots that are cheap and easy to use unlike complex medical methods. Though they may not work as fast as these medical methods they are safe since they have no side effects.

The first home remedy for skin pigmentation is aloe vera. The plant has a gel in the leaves that lightens the skin and blends it with other parts of the skin. If the plant is not available, the extracted gel can be obtained from the pharmacies and it has the same effect.

The raw aloe vera gel is applied to the pigments on the skin and left there for about 30 to 60 minutes then it is rinsed with cold or warm water. Alternatively, a thin layer of it can be applied and left overnight to be washed off in the morning.

Another home remedy to skin pigmentation is lemon juice. This juice is applied to the affected areas using a cotton ball daily and washed off after about 20 minutes. It can be applied two times a day for faster results.

The vitamin C present in the juice sterilizes the affected area and lightens it to blend with the other parts of the skin. This juice makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight so when used, the use of sunscreen must be emphasized.

The complex medical methods of treating skin pigmentation include the use of laser treatment and use of liquid nitrogen among others. The laser treatment is more expensive than most of the rest but the results are worthwhile.

pigmentationRead More Articles on: Pigmentation

Pigmentation Removal

Treating Skin Pigmentation



Age and Liver Spots

Age and Liver Spots

Age and liver spots go together. Brown age spots of pigmentation are more commonly known as liver spots. These brown spots are referred to as age spots because they affect aging people. As one gets older he/she is more likely to have liver spots. Combining the age factor and excess exposure to direct sunlight makes liver spots even more likely.

It is important to know that liver spots are not caused by age or by liver problems. As a matter of fact, age and liver problems do not cause liver spots: the sun’s rays do. The sun produces ultraviolet rays which are harmful to the skin and in the event of continuous exposure one acquires liver spots later in life. Liver spots come with age and this is perhaps due to the fact that the aged peoples’ skin tend to have the highest level of accumulated exposure to the sun’s rays. The diagnosis for liver spots is mostly based on the color of the spots that appear on the surface of the skin. Any changes to your skin should always be checked, if you develop a mark on your skin that is irregular in shape, grows in size, changes in color or is itchy or bleeds you must ask a dermatologist to have a look, as often these are the symptoms of a precancerous skin lesion.  That is why in determining whether it is cancer or a liver spot, the person’s age is considered.

This is not to say that the older members of the society should give up on the cosmetic aspect of their skin. Liver spots can be removed with relative ease. As you age and liver spots appear, it is better to seek treatment before they become difficult to get rid of. With the help of a specialist in skin care or a dermatologist, an effective better treatment should be administered to the affected areas and possible preventive measures taken. It would be strenuous to get rid of them independently at an old age and liver spots appear again because of failure to take preventive measures.

Analysts generally advise that by the time one gets to the age of 40, they should begin to take good care of their skins by ensuring less exposure to sunlight and through an increased intake of relevant vitamins such as vitamin E. When potentially addictive habits such as sunbathing are to be engaged in, one must always remember to apply the recommended creams to avoid the penetration of the sun’s rays to the delicate layers of the skin. Liver spots can be avoided and since their prevention methods are known, people are better off keeping it off their skins.

liver spotsRead More Articles on: Liver Spots

Treatment For Liver Spots

Liver Spots Removal 2011


Keratosis Skin Problems

Keratosis Skin Problems

Keratoses (singular keratosis) are small, dry, scaly and crusty growths that are found mostly in areas that are frequently exposed to the sun. Keratosis skin problems cause seborrheic keratoses that are harmless and some which are cancerous (actinic keratosis should be treated by a doctor immediately) and they can make the skin look ugly affecting your self esteem.

People with light complexions are more susceptible to these keratosis skin conditions. A keratosis will barely be noticed in the early stages. They are hardly noticed by sight when starting. They begins as a small rash that grows gradually until the keratoses reach a size of about three to six millimeters when they can be termed as fully grown.

Keratoses are believed to be caused by ultraviolet rays from sunlight due to the high probability of the lesions to be found in areas that are frequently exposed to the sun like the bald head, the back of the neck, face, ears, back of the hands and the forearms.

Keratoses do not have a vaccination that will assure you of prevention but one sure way of being safe is simply ensuring that exposure of the skin to the sun’s rays is very minimal since these rays are the main causes of the condition.

Sunscreen is also a good way of keeping keratosis skin problems at bay. It should be applied to the face, ears, back of the neck, back of the hands, forearms and any other skin surface that would normally come to contact with the sun. Sunscreen is applied in the mornings on the days that sun exposure is anticipated.

Hats can also be used to cover the head in the event that the person has a bald head since it is one part of the body that hugely suffers from exposure to the sun’s rays.

Keratosis skin problems can be treated in many ways, some surgical, others complex methods to be handled only by qualified doctors and others simple home remedies. The home remedies that can remove keratosis include the use of glycolic acid spray, liquid nitrogen and the use of hydrogen peroxide.

Glycolic acid can be dangerous when used on the face hence it is discouraged for application on the face but it works very well in removing keratoses on most of the other parts of the body. It might also sting a little bit on the first application but will soon be tolerable.

Liquid nitrogen and Glycolic acid can cause irritation when removing keratoses on some skin types hence it is always encouraged to consult a doctor before application.

keratosisRead More Articles on: Keratosis

Frictional Keratosis

Keratosis Seborrheic





Age Spots On Scalp

Age Spots On Scalp

Anything that will add to your beauty should never be taken for granted. It does not matter if you are beginning to age; you should still give some special attention to your appearance and age gracefully. If you are beginning to notice age spots on your face or body, you should not hesitate to get them removed; as age spots can be just as aging to the appearance as wrinkles. Age spots can lower your self esteem and affect your self confidence; irrespective of any part of the body on which they are found.  Here, you will learn about how to remove age spots.

Topical creams are very helpful in removing age spots on scalp and in fact any other part of your body. All you need to do is to apply the cream directly on the liver spot and you can be sure that the brown spot will be removed before long. Most of the topical creams are rich in hydroquinone, which is a compound that helps in bleaching. The hydroquinone reacts on the spot and helps to fade it by lightening the skin.

When you are buying the topical cream for the treatment of age spots, you need to be wary of the concentration of hydroquinone in them. Excessive presence of hydroquinone can go a long way in causing one form of damage or the other on your scalp. In fact, it is not proper for you to carry out the treatment by yourself. It will be better if you simply make contact with a dermatologist. He should know the right type of topical cream to buy and how you can apply it without any problem for the treatment of age spots.

You can always make use of butter milk to get rid of age spots on scalp. All you need to do is to apply the butter milk directly on the spot. This too had been found to have almost the same effect on the skin pigment. In case you can’t obtain the former, you can always go for this one for the treatment of your age spot.

Both treatment methods that have been described above for treating age spots on scalp can be simply obtained over the counter. But you need to ensure that you are buying the real thing. If you buy fake, you may end up worsening the situation of your scalp.

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When Do Age Spots Start?

Hydrogen Peroxide & Age Spots


Seborrheic Keratosis Growths

Seborrheic Keratosis Growths

A Seborrheic Keratosis growth can be quite unsightly. Images of skins affected with Keratosis are readily available online and they show just how unsightly the condition can appear. The lesions come in a variety of colours and they start with a light tan. This colour soon changes into dark brown and finally to black. Even though the lesions are largely painless, experts advise against causing any irritation to them especially when they are located in body parts commonly covered with clothes. When these growths are irritated, they tend to grow bigger and they may even get sensitive and painful.

Surveys indicate that the Seborrheic Keratosis is most disturbing when it affects the face. Most people dread the idea of having such ugly looking brown warts pasted all over their faces. The face is the most significant of beauty and the interference with its appearance can be torturous to the victims. The Seborrheic Keratosis that appears on the chest is less disturbing for men in the few instances where they are found there. This would be very different for women whose upper bust tends to be highly visible and any Seborrheic Keratosis growths would be highly visible and disturbing. Those unable to attend to these growths effectively are often seen changing their dress codes to clothing that mostly covers the affected parts. Perhaps the least disturbing one is the Seborrheic Keratosis on the back. Surveys indicate that most of the people who seek treatment for the growths at the back tend to be those whose growths have turned itchy or painful. They also tend to be patient in their choice of removal methods with the Seborrheic Keratosis growths often being removed using some of the slowest removal methods. The typical anxiety associated with the keratosis on the face and chest seems to be significantly reduced when it come growths at the back.

From the observations above, it may appear right to conclude that the frantic search for treatments for Seborrheic Keratosis may be due to cosmetic reasons. In fact, surveys have proven that cosmetic value of the skin is the single-most guarded feature with most people willing to go to extra lengths to ensure that their skin appearance continues to appear presentable for as long as possible. This may explain the reason why Seborrheic Keratosis skin problems continue to command lots of attention despite the fact that it poses a low risk to the overall body health.

seborrheic keratosisRead More Articles on: Seborrheic Keratosis

Best Way to Remove Seborrheic Keratosis

Seborrheic Keratosis Spot



When Do Age Spots Start?

When Do Age Spots Start?

An age spot is a dark brown blemish that is found on the skin and is mainly associated with aging & sun damage. Ultraviolet rays from the sun are the cause of the age spots. However, they are more common with elderly people hence the name age spots or old age spots but they can also be called liver spots or sun spots.

The skin has a layer of melanin. This is the dark pigment that gives colour to the skin. It is also a protective pigment of the skin. When the skin is overexposed to the sun, more melanin is produced by the body to protect it from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

As one grows older, the small bits of melanin naturally fuse together and form dark patches that are known as age spots or pigmentation. The symptoms are worsened by tanning beds and genetics in some cases but the main culprit when it comes to age spots is the ultraviolet rays from the sun.

When do age spots start? In order to answer this question effectively, we need to consider a number of factors. Age spots are caused by exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation hence it will be of use to first ask if the person has been exposed to the sun for long continuous periods.

Depending on the answer, then the question “when do age spots start?” can be answered more correctly since exposure to the sun plays a big role in the development of age spots.

The question can be answered after also considering the heredity of the concerned person. Genetics affect to some extent the time that age spots will start appearing. That is why for some people, the age spots will appear much faster than their peers.

The skin’s complexion should also be considered. Those with a light skin have less melanin, which protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation from the sun, hence will develop age spots relatively faster than their peers who have a darker skin complexion.

The race of the person concerned should also be looked at. It has been found out that age spots are more common with Caucasian and white people than those with dark skin pigment hence before looking at the question “when do age spots start?” the appearance of the skin should be looked at since it affects to a very great extent the time when the spots appear.

Before looking at the question “when do age spots start?” it is good to look at the family lineage. There is a possibility that the age at which a close family member like a brother or sister got the age spots is close to the age that the concerned person will get them.

age spotsRead More Articles on: Age Spots

Hydrogen Peroxide & Age Spots

Brown Age Spots On Back


Frictional Keratosis

Frictional Keratosis

Frictional keratosis is among the many different keratosis conditions. This occurs mostly in the mouth area. It occurs as a white patch in the mouth. In most cases, oral frictional keratosis appears as a thin line that is white in color across the cheek opposite the meeting point of the teeth. Its appearance can also be in form of a distinct patch that is also white in color in any part in the mouth. Frictional keratosis is mostly associated with the gum and the cheek.

The white patch that is the greatest sign of oral frictional keratosis is caused by the constant friction on the soft tissues in the mouth. This friction mostly is from the teeth and dentures. This causes irritation to the gum and cheek in the mouth. The whiteness is as a result of more cells being set by the body as it reacts to the irritation caused by friction. These white patches in the mouth only disappear when the source of friction is removed. Apart from altering the beauty of the mouth, this white patch has no problems associated with it.

External factors that mostly cause frictional keratosis are through smoking though that occurs mostly in lips. The mostly associated symptoms of this condition include the hyperkeratosis and porokeratosis that appear and can be seen.

The treatment for frictional keratosis is a simple procedure by itself. This involves removal of the agent that causes irritation on the cheeks, lips and gum. When this is done, the lesion takes less time to disappear completely. The removal of the irritant causing agent should be done in the early stages of the frictional keratosis to achieve a fast and effective cure.

Frictional keratosis can also be avoided in a number of ways. These ways include regulated or decreased smoking of cigarettes as it is a major contributor and cause of frictional keratosis. Another way to prevent frictional keratosis is through ensuring that the buccal cavity is kept free from germs and bacteria, as their buildup cause the white lesions that are mostly associated with this kind of keratosis. Keeping the buccal cavity free from germs and bacteria can be achieved through having regular checkups with dentists and health professionals or simply by keeping the cavity clean.

Such keratosis conditions as oral frictional keratosis do not affect one’s health to a great extent. Nonetheless, this condition should be treated during its initial stages to achieve best results.

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Keratosis Seborrheic

A Keratosis