Best Way to Remove Seborrheic Keratosis

Best Way to Remove Seborrheic Keratosis

The removal of the old age spots or senile keratosis can be done through various methods. Many of these methods may have their own advantages and disadvantages with most people having their own preferences. It may therefore be difficult to authoritatively determine the best way to remove Seborrheic Keratosis. Naturalists have specifically been at the forefront in their efforts to discredit the scientific treatment methods with the argument that the use of natural remedies may be the most effective ones in treating Seborrheic Keratosis. However, this assertion has as many proponents as it does opponents.

The opponents of the natural remedies insist that the treatment methods are too slow. In their opinion, the fast scientific remedies of removing Seborrheic Keratosis must be adopted; especially where the parts affected as highly visible and of high cosmetic importance. For instance, a person having unsightly growths on their faces would certainly not have the patience to wait until the treatment takes effect. Natural remedies also come as mysterious procedures only a few people having the knowledge on how they can be used in removing Seborrheic Keratosis effectively. Such persons tend to have information that is not verifiable and are in many cases persons with a somewhat inferior level of education. The third reason why the use of natural remedies may not be acknowledged as the best way of removing Seborrheic Keratosis is the fact that some of the products believed to be of great medicinal value that are proposed tend to be very rare. Those seeking to use this method tend to search for long before accessing them. For a treatment method to be effective, it must be readily accessible to the critical mass.

Proponents of the natural remedies are also not without a fair share of justifications. To start with, they observe that all other removal methods are largely curative making the natural means of removing Seborrheic Keratosis the only methods that focus on both the curative and preventive aspects. In their opinion, the skin is a fully functional tissue and it can defend itself from attacks from skin diseases and other conditions. The boosting of immunity is the best option of dealing with Seborrheic Keratosis. This assertion is based on the knowledge that when such growths are finally removed, the skin is left stronger and in a position to fight off future attacks. These arguments appear to be valid and in the absence of evidence to the contrary, it must be appreciated that scientists are yet to come up with ways of preventing Seborrheic Keratosis.

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Seborrheic Keratosis Spot

Seborrheic Keratosis Home Treatment


Pigmentation Removal

Pigmentation Removal

Skin pigmentation is where the skin gets covered by blemishes, brown spots or dark patches hence it gets darker in some areas and lighter in others. These blemishes are caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Melanin is a pigment that is produced by the skin to guard it against the harsh ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

When the skin is overexposed to the sun, a lot of melanin is produced for protection. As the skin ages, the melanin produced tends to join together hence causing the pigmentation.

However, in some cases skin pigmentation can be said to be caused by genetics when it can be linked to the relatives of the affected person. Also, deficiency in vitamins A and C makes our skins tend to become weaker and more vulnerable, hence also causing skin pigmentation.

There are several ways of treating skin pigmentation but the first step that anyone should take in skin pigmentation removal is preventing more exposure of the skin to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. This includes the use of sunscreen where exposure is expected and hats together with other protective clothing to cover the head and other body parts.

There are quite a number of home remedies for pigmentation removal that are cheap and easy to use unlike complex medical methods. They may not work as fast as these medical methods but they are safe and reliable due to the absence of side effects.

The first home remedy to treat pigmentation is lemon juice. This juice is applied to the affected areas using a cotton ball daily and washed off after about 20 minutes. It can be applied two times a day for faster results. The vitamin C present in the juice sterilizes the affected area and lightens it to blend with the other parts of the skin. This juice makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight so when used, the use of sunscreen must be encouraged.

Another home remedy for pigmentation is aloe vera. The plant has a gel in the leaves that lightens the skin and blends it with other parts of the face. If the plant is not available, the extracted gel can be obtained from the pharmacies and it has the same effect.

The raw aloe vera gel is applied to the pigments on the skin and left there for about 30 to 60 minutes then it is rinsed with cold or warm water. Alternatively, a thin layer of it can be applied and left overnight to be washed off in the morning.

The complex medical methods of skin pigmentation removal include the use of laser treatment and use of liquid nitrogen among others. The laser treatment is more expensive than most of the rest but the results are worthwhile.

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Treating Skin Pigmentation

How To Treat Skin Pigmentation



Keratosis Seborrheic

Keratosis Seborrheic

Keratosis seborrheic is a benign type of keratosis which is a noncancerous growth on the human skin. This keratosis condition mostly starts appearing as one ages and is mostly associated in individuals of a family.

The skin growths with this type of keratosis are located on the face, shoulders, chest area, back and other areas in the body. Normally, these growths cause no pain but are at times itchy. The growths in keratosis seborrheic are rough in texture and have waxy surfaces. They appear in single form but are numerous in the affected body part and have different colors as well.

These seborrheic keratosis growths usually cause no harm to the body thus require no treatment unless in cases where their irritation becomes too much. In this case, the growths are removed by skin specialists or doctors through surgical measures or freezing them. When the seborrheic growths are removed, there are usually no associated scars, only in some parts where the skin is left with a lighter color than the normal one. As with cancerous growths, seborrheic ones don’t return once removed but they develop as one ages.

Seborrheic keratosis has no major complications. The common ones however include, bleeding of the growths, irritation or discomfort. The other complication, as viewed by people, is that they interfere with individual beauty and that affects women in most cases since beauty is their mirror.

To treat seborrheic keratosis, it should always be done during the earliest sign of it. As some skin conditions tend to result to more complicated diseases like skin cancer, the conditions should be noted early and treatment given. Though keratosis seborrheic is not harmful to an individual, the course it may result to, skin cancer can be fatal to one’s health. This early handling of the condition will prevent chances of getting skin cancer.

When seborrheic keratosis is treated, one is usually left with a scar that is not noticeable in most cases therefore one regains their beauty fast. The scar left by the seborrheic growth is also determined by the skin color of an individual and the method through which the keratosis was removed.

Seborrheic keratosis, as discussed, has no major complications towards health in spite the fact that it alters the beauty and health to small degree. With this condition, one should always consult the doctor to get advice or information on how to go through it.

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A Keratosis

Keratosis Growth



Hydrogen Peroxide & Age Spots

Hydrogen Peroxide & Age Spots

Age spots are caused by overexposure to the sun – FACT! Ultraviolet rays from the sun are the cause of the age spots. However, they are more common with elderly people hence the name age spots, but are also well known as sun spots, liver spots, brown spots or solar lentigo.

The skin has a layer of melanin. This is the dark pigment that gives colour to the skin. It is also a protective pigment of the skin. When the skin is overexposed to the sun, more melanin is produced by the body to protect it from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

As one grows old, the small bits of melanin naturally join together and form dark patches of pigmentation or brown spots. The symptoms are worsened by tanning beds and genetics in some cases but the main culprit is the ultraviolet rays from the sun.

The first step in using hydrogen peroxide to treat age spots is soaking the skin in warm water for about 20 to 30 minutes. This softens the skin and hence makes the action of the hydrogen peroxide effective.

After softening the skin, soak a cotton bud or Q-tip with the hydrogen peroxide and apply the liquid to the age spots. Leave it there for 15 to 20 minutes and after that wash off the hydrogen peroxide. Repeat application of the hydrogen peroxide to the age spots in this manner daily for about a week or two and the age spots should vanish.

Alternatively, when handling hydrogen peroxide & pigmentation, one can soak cotton with the hydrogen peroxide and place it on the spots then apply a bandage to fasten the cotton ball there. This should be left there overnight and then removed in the morning.

Another method of dealing with hydrogen peroxide & age spots would be just dabbing the age spots with a cloth containing the hydrogen peroxide in the evenings before going to sleep. Incase a stinging sensation is felt when handling the hydrogen peroxide & age spots as stated in this method, the hydrogen peroxide is diluted with water. The hydrogen peroxide should not be washed off until the next morning after waking up.

It is advisable to consult a doctor before using handling hydrogen peroxide & age spots as it may have harmful effects on some skin types.

When dealing with hydrogen peroxide & age spots, consistency is very much encouraged as it ensures that results are obtained in the shortest time possible. When handling hydrogen peroxide for age spots it is important to note that, hydrogen peroxide will cause irritation to the eyes and other sensitive areas so whenever using it around such organs, it is advisable to be careful.

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Brown Age Spots On Back

Products For Age Spots



Treatment For Liver Spots

Treatment For Liver Spots

Treatment for liver spots can be administered in different forms depending on one’s health or medical conditions. The nature of the patient’s health should also determine the most suitable type of treatment for liver spots for them. The conditions to be considered vary from diabetes, cancer, skin sensitivity to allergies, and others. Since each person reacts differently to different products, it is important to know which remedy suites the situation best.

Just like any other treatable skin condition one does not have to live with liver spots, also called age spots or sun spots, for the rest of their lives. Many treatments for age spots have been discovered and all one needs to do find out which of them is most suitable to them and applying it. The process of obtaining the required information is currently much simpler due to the presence of the internet which contains loads of information about liver spots and their remedies.

Most studies have come up with good materials on the remedies for liver spots. One of these remedies involves the use of laser therapy which destroys melanocytes. Melanocytes are cells producing melanin and with their destruction the brown spots tend to fade over time. This process is less painful even though it takes several months before the results can be seen clearly. Liver spots can also be treated using chemical peel; and this is done applying an acid to the skin to burn out the skin. Since a burnt skin is a dead skin it will lead to peeling off and a new skin if formed in its place.

Being dark pigmentation that appears on the inner part of the skin’s upper layer, liver spots require a kind of treatment that will penetrate the skin to destroy the pigmentation patches that have formed. Freezing is also a method of treatment for liver spots and it involves application of liquid nitrogen to liver spots to destroy the excess pigmentation. It is however important to note that freezing is done when there are minimal numbers of liver spots on the skin. In case of widespread of liver spots another means of treatment for liver spots should be adopted as the freezing can be quite painful and irritating to the skin during treatment.

Treatment for liver spots is considered to be a cosmetic procedure and so some insurance companies may not cover the cost of treatment. It is also wise to carefully select the best method of treatment and also confirm with your doctor before any method is adopted. A doctor advice is always the best as they have the both theoretical and practical knowledge to know what they are talking about.

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Liver Spots Removal 2011

Get Rid of Liver Spots


Seborrheic Keratosis Spot

Seborrheic Keratosis Spot

The skin is one of the most important body tissues due to its protective and cosmetic functions. Healthy skins help in the executions of these functions quite well. Skin blemishes such as a Seborrheic Keratosis spot negatively affect the appearance of the skin and hence become an issue of cosmetic concern. Seborrheic Keratosis is characterised by growths which appear on the outer parts of the skins and this makes them protrude above the skin surface. These growths are normally painless. However, they can turn itchy when irritated hence making the patients quite uncomfortable. These spots often appears in clusters where dozens of growths are concentrated around the same area. They can also appear as isolated growths on the skin.

Causes of this skin condition that results in Seborrheic Keratosis are yet to be explicitly determined. However, it is commonly associated with excess exposure to sunlight. Seborrheic Keratosis growths are commonly found on body parts that are most frequently exposed to direct sunlight. These body parts mainly include the arms, the chest, shoulders, the face, and the back. This is not to say that direct sunlight causes the old age spots. No research has been able to come up with conclusive proof that any of the elements associated with the sun’s rays can have the potential to cause Seborrheic Keratosis. However, research is ongoing and it is expected that conclusive discoveries will be made soon. Among the theories on the causes of Seborrheic Keratosis, the association with direct sunlight seems to be growing in popularity.

Other speculations on the causes of Keratosis are also based on mere observations. For instance, the cases of Seborrheic Keratosis tend to accelerate as one grows older. The condition will rarely affect those aged 30 and below. However, as one grows older, more and more spots appear. This may be part of the reason why the growths are also called old age spots, or senile keratosis. Again, it is not clear how age and Keratosis are linked. Any associations between the two are purely based on observation and resultant speculations. This condition continues to be quite mysterious. In this day and age, it would appear abnormal for a condition as simple and harmless as Seborrheic Keratosis to be beyond the great scientific expertise with scientists left with guesswork as their only resort. Since prevention may not be easy, patients are left with the option of monitoring their skin conditions constantly and taking corrective actions as soon as they discover any anomalies.

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Seborrheic Keratosis Home Treatment

Seborrheic Keratosis Home Remedies



Treating Skin Pigmentation

Treating Skin Pigmentation

Skin pigmentation is where the skin gets covered by discolored blemishes, dark spots or brown patches commonly known as age spots, liver spots, sun spots, melasma, chloasma or pregnancy mask. These blemishes are caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Melanin is a pigment that is produced by the skin to guard it against the harsh ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

When the skin is overexposed to the sun, a lot of melanin is produced for protection. As the skin ages, the melanin produced tends to join together hence the pigmentation.

However, in some cases skin pigmentation is caused by genetics when it can be linked to the relatives of the affected person. Also, deficiency in vitamins A and C makes our skins tend to become weaker and more vulnerable, hence also causing skin pigmentation.

There are several ways of treating skin pigmentation but the first step that anyone should take in treating skin pigmentation is preventing more exposure of the skin to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. This includes the use of sunscreen where exposure is anticipated and hats to cover the head.

There are quite a number of home remedies that are cheap and easy to use unlike complex medical methods. They may not work as fast as these medical methods but they are safe since they have no side effects.

The first home remedy to treat skin pigmentation is lemon juice. This juice is applied to the affected areas using a cotton ball daily and washed off after about 20 minutes. It can be applied two times a day for faster results. The vitamin C present in the juice sterilizes the affected area and lightens it to blend with the other parts of the skin. This juice makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight so when used, the use of sunscreen must be emphasized.

Another home remedy to cure skin pigmentation is aloe vera. The plant has a gel in the leaves that lightens the skin and blends it with other parts of the skin. If the plant is not available, the extracted gel can be obtained from the pharmacies and it has the same effect.

The raw aloe vera gel is applied to the pigmentation on the skin and left there for about 30 to 60 minutes then it is rinsed with cold or warm water. Alternatively, a thin layer of it can be applied and left overnight to be washed off in the morning.

The complex medical methods of treating skin pigmentation include the use of laser treatment and use of liquid nitrogen among others. The laser treatment is more expensive than most of the rest but the results are worthwhile.

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How To Treat Skin Pigmentation

Facial Pigmentation


Keratosis On My Skin

Keratosis On My Skin

Keratoses (singular keratosis) are small, dry, scaly and crusty lesions that are found mostly in areas that are frequently exposed to the sun. A seborrheic keratosis on the skin causes harmless and non cancerous growths but they can make the skin look rough ugly and repulsive.

Keratoses have a likelihood of affecting people whose skin is of a light complexion. A keratosis on your skin will barely be noticed in the early stages. It is hardly noticed by sight when starting. It begins as a small rash that grows gradually until the keratosis reaches a size of about three to six millimeters when it can be termed as fully grown.

Keratosis on the skin is believed to be caused by ultraviolet rays from sunlight due to the high probability of the lesions to be found in areas that are frequently exposed to the sun like the bald head, the back of the neck, face, ears, back of the hands and the forearms.

Keratosis does not currently have a vaccination that can be used for prevention, but one sure way of being safe is simply ensuring that exposure of the skin to the sun’s rays is very minimal since these rays are the main causes of the condition.

Sunscreen is also a good way of keeping keratosis from developing on the skin at bay. It should be applied to the face, back of the neck, ears, forearms, back of the hands and any other skin surface that would normally come to contact with the sun.

Sunscreen is applied in the mornings on the days that exposure to the sun is anticipated. Hats can also be used to cover the head in the event that the person has a bald head since it is one part of the body that hugely suffers from exposure to the sun’s rays.

Keratosis can be treated in many ways, some surgical, others complex methods to be handled only by qualified doctors and others simple home remedies. The home remedies to remove keratosis include the use of glycolic acid spray, liquid nitrogen and the use of hydrogen peroxide.

Glycolic acid can be dangerous when used on the face hence it is discouraged for application on the face but it works very well at removing keratosis for most of the other body parts. It might also sting a little bit on the first application but will soon be tolerable.

Liquid nitrogen and Glycolic acid can cause irritation when removing keratoses on some skin types hence it is always encouraged to consult a doctor before choosing your treatment.

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A Keratosis

Keratosis Growth


Brown Age Spots On Back

Brown Age Spots On Back

Brown age spots on back are caused by overexposure of the back to the sun, sunbathing is the main culprit. Ultraviolet rays from the sun are the cause of the age spots. However, they are more common with elderly people hence the name age spots, but they can also be called liver spots, brown spots or sun spots.

The skin has a layer of melanin. This is the dark pigment that gives colour to the skin. It is also a protective pigment of the skin. When the skin is overexposed to the sun, more melanin is produced by the body to protect it from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

As one grows old, these small bits of melanin naturally stick together and form brown patches of pigmentation that are known as age spots. The back is very much affected because it is often left uncovered hence exposed to the sun. This is more common in ladies.

There are many remedies when one wants to cure age spots. They range from natural methods to laser treatment. Most of the treatment methods can be done at home but if all fail, there are other methods of removal that have higher chances of success than the home methods.

One very common method of removing age spots is lemon juice. Lemon juice is good as it acts as a sterilizer to the skin. It is preferred because it has no side effects to the skin. However, for those with sensitive skin, it is advisable to use mild lemon juice. This does not cause irritation.

Another good method of eradicating age spots is aloe vera gel. This gel is known for its many therapeutic properties. When treating age spots, this gel is applied directly onto the skin and left there for about 20 to 30 minutes. It is then washed off using cold water.

Another method of removing brown spots is liquid nitrogen. It freezes the age spots and makes them peel off like a chemical peel. This method can sting and sometimes leave white marks on the back so it is advisable to talk to a doctor before attempting to apply liquid nitrogen.

If home and methods prove ineffective at getting rid of age spots, then laser therapy can be used. In this therapy, the affected skin is subjected to a beam of light, which enters the skin and destroys the cells that cause such spotting. Although laser therapy can be expensive, it is very effective since it can completely remove age spots from any part of the body.

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Products For Age Spots

Age Spots Removal Cream


Best Treatment For Liver Spots

Best Treatment For Liver Spots

Inline with the saying, prevention is better than cure; the best remedy for liver spots is to ensure that the risks of acquiring them are minimized. This can simply be done by avoiding exposure to direct sunlight. Liver spots occur to persons of age fifty and above with few cases of people below the age of forty. This however does not mean that you can only get a liver spot if you are over fifty; there are exceptions to this phenomenon. That means even someone as young as in their twenties can have liver spots in a manifestation of the rare cases.

The habit of basking in the sun is a lifestyle issue and an extremely relaxing experience at that. It would be difficult to get people to avoid sunbathing just because they fear being affected with liver spots later in their life. This is why people are advised to sunscreen whenever they plan on exposing their skin to direct sunlight. Since sunlight is the presumed primary cause for liver spots it would be better that one uses creams that prevent harmful rays of the sun from penetrating the skin. Other parts of the body like the thighs that have less or no exposure to the sun are less likely to have liver spots on them. Body parts like the back of the hand, face and chest especially for women are mostly prone to livers spots.

Liver spots can best be treated naturally using items such as vinegar and honey. The use of these items is most common among the Chinese whose affinity to natural treatment methods is beyond question. In this treatment method, the honey, rice vinegar and water are mixed in the recommended proportions to make a solution which is then drunk by the patients. This liver treatment solution is made by mixing one tablespoon of vinegar, tablespoon of honey and one oz of water. The solution is taken twice a day.

Another good treatment method for liver spots would be the use of Vitamin E. Vitamin E helps with equalizing skin pigmentation and gets rid of liver spots. Application or usage of creams and skin lotions fortified with vitamin E can eliminate liver spots, its advantage is that it is a painless process making it the one of the best treatments for liver spots. Applying aloe vera gel is also an effective method for treating liver spots. The gel is obtained from aloe vera plant which is then applied on the skin directly at least twice a day after showering.

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Liver Spots Removal 2011

Get Rid of Liver Spots