Seborrheic Keratosis Home Treatment
Seborrheic Keratosis home treatment is becoming increasingly common. Information on how the condition can be treated is readily available on the internet and other public health institutions. The skin growths can be treated with relative ease at home with reasonable chances of success. However, it is important to ensure that the instructions given are followed to the latter. A deviation from what is recommended my render the Seborrheic Keratosis home treatment ineffective. The most common home treatment methods include: the use of hydrogen peroxide and the use of glycolic acid.
When using the hydrogen peroxide solution, the following steps must be followed. The first step involves the preparation of the removal solution. This solution must have a 35% concentration of hydrogen peroxide. This solution must be used as recommended for the removal of Seborrheic Keratosis. Once the solution has been prepared, a moisturising cream is taken and applied on the parts surrounding the growth. This step is necessary in order to ensure that the solution does not touch any other parts of the skin. The seborrheic keratosis removal solution can adversely affect the skin through the same mechanism that it uses to remove the seborrheic keratosis. Gloves are then worn to ensure that the hands do not come into contact with the solution before the solution is finally applied to the growths. The final step involves the rinsing which is done with clean water; and this must be done after the solution has stayed on the growth for about 20 minutes. This seborrheic keratosis removal method should be repeated daily until the growth is removed.
The glycolic acid solution is applied in a similar manner as the hydrogen peroxide. The acid solution is supposed to be kept at a 30% concentration of the acid. As opposed to the hydrogen peroxide removal method, the use of glycolic acid can be pretty painful with patients often being advised to discontinue the treatment if this Seborrheic Keratosis removal method proves unbearable. Other seborrheic keratosis home treatment methods could include the use of vitamins and supplements which are normally provided to boost the skin health and therefore empower it to fight off skin diseases. Natural remedies such as herbs and tree roots are also known to be helpful in boosting the skin immunity. These natural methods of treating seborrheic keratosis are useful in assuring long term protection where the growths are not allowed to recur.
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