Seborrheic Keratosis Home Treatment

Seborrheic Keratosis Home Treatment

Seborrheic Keratosis home treatment is becoming increasingly common. Information on how the condition can be treated is readily available on the internet and other public health institutions. The skin growths can be treated with relative ease at home with reasonable chances of success. However, it is important to ensure that the instructions given are followed to the latter. A deviation from what is recommended my render the Seborrheic Keratosis home treatment ineffective. The most common home treatment methods include: the use of hydrogen peroxide and the use of glycolic acid.

When using the hydrogen peroxide solution, the following steps must be followed. The first step involves the preparation of the removal solution. This solution must have a 35% concentration of hydrogen peroxide. This solution must be used as recommended for the removal of Seborrheic Keratosis. Once the solution has been prepared, a moisturising cream is taken and applied on the parts surrounding the growth. This step is necessary in order to ensure that the solution does not touch any other parts of the skin. The seborrheic keratosis removal solution can adversely affect the skin through the same mechanism that it uses to remove the seborrheic keratosis. Gloves are then worn to ensure that the hands do not come into contact with the solution before the solution is finally applied to the growths. The final step involves the rinsing which is done with clean water; and this must be done after the solution has stayed on the growth for about 20 minutes. This seborrheic keratosis removal method should be repeated daily until the growth is removed.

The glycolic acid solution is applied in a similar manner as the hydrogen peroxide. The acid solution is supposed to be kept at a 30% concentration of the acid. As opposed to the hydrogen peroxide removal method, the use of glycolic acid can be pretty painful with patients often being advised to discontinue the treatment if this Seborrheic Keratosis removal method proves unbearable. Other seborrheic keratosis home treatment methods could include the use of vitamins and supplements which are normally provided to boost the skin health and therefore empower it to fight off skin diseases. Natural remedies such as herbs and tree roots are also known to be helpful in boosting the skin immunity. These natural methods of treating seborrheic keratosis are useful in assuring long term protection where the growths are not allowed to recur.

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Seborrheic Keratosis Home Remedies

Seborrheic Keratosis Spots



How To Treat Skin Pigmentation

How To Treat Skin Pigmentation

Skin pigmentation is where the skin gets covered by brown blemishes, dark spots or brown patches hence it gets darker in some areas and lighter in others. These blemishes are caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Melanin is a pigment that is produced naturally by the skin to guard it against the harsh ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

When the skin is overexposed to the sun, a lot of melanin is produced for protection against these rays. As the skin ages, the melanin produced tends to fuse together causing the pigmentation patches.

However, in some cases skin pigmentation is caused by genetics when it can be linked to the relatives of the affected person. Also, deficiency in vitamins A and C makes our skins tend to become weaker and more vulnerable, hence also causing skin pigmentation.

There are several ways of treating skin pigmentation but the first step that anyone should take in treating pigmentation is preventing more exposure of the skin to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. This includes the use of sunscreen where exposure is anticipated and protective clothing like hats to cover the head and other exposed areas.

There are quite a number of home remedies for treating pigmentation on the skin that are cheap and easy to use unlike complex medical methods. Although they may not work as fast as these medical methods, they are reliable safe since they have no side effects.

The first home remedy for treating skin pigmentation is lemon juice. This juice is applied to the affected areas using a cotton ball daily and washed off after about 20 minutes. It can be applied two times a day for faster results.

The vitamin C present in the juice sterilizes the affected area and bleaches it to blend with the other parts of the skin. This juice makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight so when used, the use of sunscreen cannot be overemphasized.

Another home remedy for treating skin pigmentation is aloe vera. The plant has a gel in the leaves that lightens the skin and blends it with other parts of the skin. If the plant is not available, the extracted gel can be obtained from the pharmacies and it has the same effect.

The raw aloe vera gel is applied to the pigments on the skin and left there for about 30 to 60 minutes then it is rinsed with cold or warm water. Alternatively, a thin layer of it can be applied and left overnight to be washed off in the morning.

The complex medical methods of removing pigmentation include the use of laser treatment and use of liquid nitrogen among others. The laser treatment is more expensive than most of the rest but the results are worthwhile.

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Facial Pigmentation

Pigmentation Disorders


A Keratosis

A Keratosis

A keratosis (plural keratoses) is a skin condition in which there is an abnormal growth of tissue in certain areas of the skin. It leads to growth of small, dry, scaly and crusty lesions that are found mostly in areas that are frequently exposed to the sun. Seborrheic keratosis lesions are harmless and non-cancerous but they make the skin look ugly with large brown growths. Actinic keratosis is less obvious on the skin but can be precancerous and this must be treated as quickly as possible by a doctor or dermatologist. People with light complexions are more susceptible to these keratoses. A keratosis will barely be noticed in the early stages. It is hardly noticed by sight when starting. It begins as a small rash that grows gradually until it reaches a size of about three to six millimeters when it can be termed as fully grown.

A keratosis is believed to be caused by ultraviolet rays from sunlight due to the high probability of the lesions to be found in areas that are exposed to the sun like the bald head, the back of the neck, face, ears, back of the hands and the forearms.

A keratosis does not have a vaccination that will assure you of prevention but one sure way of being safe is simply ensuring that exposure of the skin to the sun’s rays is very minimal since they are the main causes of the condition.

Application of sunscreen is a good way of ensuring that over exposure of the suns rays to the skin is minimal. It should be applied to the face, ears, back of the neck, back of the hands, forearms and any other skin surface that would normally come to contact with the sun. Hats can also be used to cover the head in the event that the person has a bald head since it is one part of the body that hugely suffers from exposure to the sun’s rays.

A keratosis can be treated in many ways some surgical, others complex methods to be handled only by qualified doctors and others simple home remedies. The home remedies to remove a keratosis include the use of glycolic acid spray, liquid nitrogen and the use of blood root. Glycolic acid can be dangerous when used on the face hence it is discouraged for application on the face but it works very well in removing a keratosis on most of the other parts of the body. It might also sting a little bit on the first application but will soon be tolerable.

Liquid nitrogen and Glycolic acid can be irritable when removing a keratosis on some skin types hence it is advisable to consult a doctor before application.

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Keratosis Growth

Stucco Keratosis



Products For Age Spots

Products For Age Spots

Age spots are dark, usually brown blemishes that are found on the skin and are mainly associated with aging. Liver spots or sun spots, as they are alternatively called, are caused by overexposure to the sun. Ultraviolet rays from the sun are the cause of the sun spots. However, they are more common with elderly people hence their most common name – age spots.

The skin contains melanin. This is the dark pigment that gives colour to the skin. It is also a protective pigment of the skin. When the skin is overexposed to the sun, more melanin is produced by the body to protect it from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

As one grows old, the small bits of melanin naturally fuse together and form dark patches of pigmentation that are known as age spots. The symptoms are worsened by tanning beds and genetics sometimes, but the number one culprit when it comes to age spots is the ultraviolet rays from the sun.

There are many products for age spots removal.

Most products for treating age spots contain a large percentage of artificial bleach that discolor the brown spots by lightening them. However, such products are not preferred since they can leave white rings around the areas that have been treated.

Quite a good number of products for age spots contain lemon juice. Lemon juice is good as it acts as a sterilizer to the skin and doubles up as a skin toner. It is preferred because it has no side effects to the skin.

Castor oil can also be used to make products for age spots. Its application results in a more evenly pigmented skin, thus reducing the age spots. It is recommended that it is applied on the affected area before going to bed and removed after waking up.

Another commonly used ingredient in products for age spot removal is aloe vera gel. This gel is known for its many therapeutic properties. Vitamin E is also used in making products for age spots since it works well in removing age spots.

Another effective ingredient in products to treat age spots would be hydrogen peroxide. This is a bleach, but it actually dries out the area of skin making the top layer peel off and the age spot with it. When used well, it is very effective in getting rid of age spots.

Safety first! It is very important that when using any of the many products for age spots on the skin, ensure that the juices do not come to contact with the eyes or other sensitive areas as some of them are acidic and may result in irritation. Consistency is also very important as it ensures that the results are obtained within the shortest time possible.

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Age Spots Removal Cream

Age Spots on Skin



Liver Spots Removal 2011

Liver Spots Removal 2011

The increase in cases of liver spots is perhaps due to the manifestation of the harmful human activity that has led to the degradation of the natural environment. The atmosphere has traditionally had mechanisms to prevent the penetration of excessive harmful rays from the sun through the infamous ozone layer. With the industrial revolution, the release of various gases and chemicals into the atmosphere steadily depleted this protective layer. The effects of this destruction are being felt to date.

Cases of liver spots in 2011 are at an all-time high. Statistics indicate that the ultra violet rays from the sun are reaching the earth’s surface in magnitudes that are too high for comfort and it is these rays that make sunlight a causative factor for liver spots. However, it may also be noted that the industrial revolution and the resultant explosion of technical knowhow has been instrumental in solving many of the resultant health issues. Besides, several avenues exist on the prevention of liver spots. For instance, the use of healthier feeding habits where the intake of relevant vitamins is boosted could substantially make the skin more resistant to the liver spots. In this day and age, there is plenty of information on how this condition can be prevented and it is unfortunate that many wait until they have the condition before they contemplate on taking good care of their skins. As a matter of fact, surveys conducted on persons with liver spots indicate that at least 70% of the patients were aware of the condition, its causative factors and how to prevent it.

It would therefore appear that the campaigns geared at educating the public to avoid liver spots have largely been ineffective. Information on the skin condition is readily available with more people knowledgeable about the liver spots than before. However, this knowledge has not translated into any significant reduction of the cases of the skin condition. This may strongly imply that the recommended preventive measures touch on already adopted lifestyles which may not be easily changed. For instance, it is unlikely that people who enjoy the warm rays of the sun would avoid the pleasurable experiences just because they fear acquiring liver spots. Similarly, eating habits are not easily changed and those already in love with fatty foods may not easily give them up just because they wish for healthier skin. From the findings, it would appear that this skin condition will continue to be prevalent for a long time before it is significantly reduced.

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Seborrheic Keratosis Home Remedies

Seborrheic Keratosis Home Remedies

Seborrheic Keratosis home remedies are preferred by many as they are very convenient to the persons with the skin condition. The option of treating keratosis at home allows the patients to administer the treatment on their own and this gives them a feel of independence that makes them approach the skin condition more positively. Surveys often indicate that one of the reasons why diseases are loathed is due to the fact that they place patients at the mercy of other people. This only goes to demonstrate how much people value their independence. A Seborrheic Keratosis home remedy provide them with this independence where they administer treatment without having to depend on others.

Closely related to independence is the benefit of convenience. Seborrheic Keratosis home remedies offer the patients the much needed independence. Most people barely have enough time to complete everything they set out to do by the end of a given time. Having to alter personal schedules can therefore be very disturbing in terms of the impact on the activities that must be sacrificed. Seborrheic Keratosis removal methods used at home allow for the achievement of these goals while ensuring that the cosmetic value of their skin is not affected. These Seborrheic Keratosis removal solutions are also known to be a lot more affordable than the ones managed by specialists.  The administration of treatment is handled personally and no service charge is involved. Medical practitioners tend to have high overheads which they must cover with their fees and this forces their consultation fees upwards. Seborrheic Keratosis home remedies are more pocket-friendly and this is an important feature in the increasingly strained economic environment.

The Seborrheic Keratosis home remedies have significantly helped in the dissipation of the stigma commonly associated with the skin condition. The fact that the Seborrheic Keratosis home remedies can be used efficiently without having to consult a doctor is an indication that there is nothing serious about the condition. Traditionally, persons with the skin condition would be panic stricken with many having fears that the condition could easily escalate into more serious conditions such as skin cancer. Also common was the habit of avoiding any contact with the persons with the condition in fear of being contaminated. Extensive research into this aspect of the condition has been conducted and it is now common knowledge that the skin condition is not communicable. This assertion has, in addition to the generation of home remedies, been useful in dissipating the related stigma.

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Seborrheic Keratosis Spots

Home Remedies: Seborrheic Keratosis




Facial Pigmentation

Facial Pigmentation

Facial skin pigmentation is where the skin on the face gets covered by blemishes, spots or patches hence it gets darker in some areas and lighter in others. It is caused mainly by the inability of the skin cells on the face to manufacture proteins. Some substances like collagens work to help the skin texture remain smooth and evenly colored.

For those affected by this skin pigmentation, cells will have to be put back in order to enable the cells to inhibit further production of melanin that is responsible for the facial pigmentation. Those with this skin pigmentation problem should consult doctors for prescription of appropriate medication to counter the condition.

There are several ways of removing facial skin pigmentation. The first one with the best results when done by qualified personnel is laser technology. The chances of success are also high though it is more expensive than most of the rest and it leaves the skin vulnerable to the sun’s rays and other harmful bacteria.

Some acids like glycolic acid can also work in improving the facial pigmentation. They do this by removing the top surface of the skin at the affected area and enhancing renewal of the affected cells.

The other methods involved in the removal of facial skin pigmentation are the home remedies.

The first home remedy to treat pigmentation is lemon juice. This juice is applied to the affected areas using a cotton ball daily and washed off after about 20 minutes. It can be applied two times a day for faster results. The vitamin C present in the juice sterilizes the skin pigmentation and lightens it to blend with the other parts of the skin. This juice makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight so when used, the use of sunscreen must be emphasized.

Another home remedy to treat skin pigmentation is aloe vera. The plant has a gel in the leaves that lightens the skin and blends it with other parts of the skin. If the plant is not available, the extracted gel can be obtained from the pharmacies and it has the same effect.

The raw aloe vera gel is applied to the areas with the skin pigmentation and left there for about 30 to 60 minutes then it is rinsed with cold or warm water. Alternatively, a thin layer of it can be applied and left on the facial pigmentation overnight to be washed off in the morning.

Be warned! Some of these acids especially those used in the home remedies for facial pigmentation like the lemon juice and aloe vera gel can cause irritation when they come to contact with the eyes or other sensitive areas hence it is advisable to be cautious when applying them.

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Pigmentation Disorders

Skin Pigmentation Problems


Keratosis Growth

Keratosis Growth

Keratoses (singular keratosis) are small, dry, scaly and crusty lesions that are found mostly in areas that are frequently exposed to the sun. Keratosis growths cause Keratoses that are harmless and non cancerous but they make the skin look ugly and affect self confidence.

People with light complexions are more susceptible to develop a  keratosis growth. These growths will barely be noticed in the early stages. They are hardly noticed by sight when starting. They begin as a small rash that can only be felt when a hand is moved lightly on the skin. This rash grows gradually until the growths reach a size of about three to six millimetres when they can be termed as fully grown.

A keratosis growth is believed to be caused by ultraviolet rays from sunlight due to the high probability of the growth to be found in areas that are frequently exposed to the sun like the bald head, the back of the neck, face, ears, back of the hands and the forearms.

Keratosis growth does not have a vaccination that will assure you of prevention but one sure way of being safe is simply ensuring that exposure of the skin to the sun’s rays is very minimal since these rays are the main causes of the condition.

Sunscreen is also a good way of taking care of keratosis growth. It should be applied to the face, back of the neck, back of the hands, ears, forearms and any other skin surface that would normally come to contact with the sun. Sunscreen is applied in the mornings on the days that exposure to the sun is expected.

Hats can also be used to cover the head in the event that the person has a bald head since it is one part of the body that hugely suffers from exposure to the sun’s rays.

A keratosis growth can be treated in many ways, some surgical, others complex methods to be handled only by qualified doctors and other simple home remedies. The home remedies to remove keratosis growths include the use of glycolic acid spray, liquid nitrogen and the use of blood root (blood root is extremely powerful and should only be used under medical supervision).

Liquid nitrogen and Glycolic acid can effectively remove Keratoses on all skin types but it is always encouraged to consult a doctor before starting application.

Glycolic acid can be dangerous in its most concentrated solutions, when used on the face extra care should be taken, but it works very well in removing Keratosis growth on most of the other parts of the body. It might also sting a little bit on the first application but will soon be tolerable.

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Stucco Keratosis

Remove Keratosis


Age Spots Removal Cream

Age Spots Removal Cream

Age spots are dark, usually brown blemishes that are found on the skin and are mainly associated with aging. Age spots are caused by overexposure to the sun. Ultraviolet rays from the sun are the cause of the age spots. However, they are more common with elderly people hence the name age spots, but they can also be called liver spots, sun spots or solar lentigines.

The skin has a layer of melanin. This is the dark pigment that gives colour to the skin. It is also a protective pigment of the skin. When the skin is overexposed to the sun, more melanin is produced by the body to protect it from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

As one grows old, the small bits of melanin naturally fuse together and form dark patches of pigmentation that are known as age spots. The symptoms are worsened by tanning beds and genetics sometimes but the number one culprit when it comes to age spots is the ultraviolet rays from the sun.

There are many remedies when one wants to use an age spots removal cream.

Any age spot removal cream normally contains artificial bleaches that discolor the age spots hence in a way removing them. However, such creams are not preferred since they usually leave white spots around the areas that initially had the age spots.

Another good age spots removal cream is any that contains lemon juice. Lemon juice is good as it acts as a sterilizer to the skin. It is preferred because it has no side effects to the skin. However, for those with sensitive skin, it is advisable to use mild lemon juice. This does not cause irritation.

Another good age spots removal cream would contain aloe vera gel. This gel is known for its many therapeutic properties. Vitamin E is also used in making age spot removal creams since it works well in removing age spots.

Castor oil can also be used to make a good age spots removal cream. Its application results in a more evenly pigmented skin, thus reducing the age spots. It is recommended that it is applied on the affected area before going to bed and removed after waking up.

Another effective ingredient in an age spots removal cream would be hydrogen peroxide. This works by bleaching the age spots. When used well, it is very effective in removing age spots.

Safety first! It is very important that when using any age spots removal cream on the skin, ensure that the juices do not come to contact with the eyes or other sensitive organs as some of them are acidic and may result in irritation. Consistency is also very important as it ensures that the results are obtained within the shortest time possible.

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Age Spots on Skin

Age Spots On Arms


Get Rid of Liver Spots

Get Rid of Liver Spots

Flawless skin is something that everyone admires with a majority making efforts to have it. A skin condition like liver spots can be uncomfortable to live with and hence the need to get rid of them. Liver spots are dark spots of pigmentation that appear on the outer layer of the skin. They are mostly associated with aging, exposure to direct sunlight, and in some cases they are associated with the genetic make up of individuals.

There are several methods that can be used to get rid of liver spots. These remedies are categorized into two groups. The first category includes natural remedies while the second category is composed of scientific treatments. Different people use different methods depending on factors such as the ease of use and the level of availability of the methods. Besides availability the cost also plays a major role. For instance, if the scientific means to removing liver spots is readily available yet costly one would opt to use the natural remedies which might not be as easy to carry out especially when it comes to the assembling of the ingredients.

Natural methods to get rid of liver spots can be used in the comfort of one’s home even though some procedures may prove to be quite uncomfortable. One of the most commonly used removal materials is Lemon juice. Lemon juice is among the simplest and accessible products to and which can be acquired with relative ease for use in the removal of liver spots. Other useful substances may include vitamins C and E which are often available in form of supplements.

Scientific means of removals are commonly executed by professionals and are therefore embraced by persons who attach great value to their skins. Celebrities and models are examples of the most loyal fans of these removal means. The professionals have the technology and the expertise to diagnose the condition properly and administer the right treatment and this forms the basis for the confidence of the patients. Unlike the natural means of liver spots removal which often take long, the scientific means are quicker and people who don’t have the requisite patience prefer the latter means in order to solve their skin conditions quickly.

What people should know in their quest to get rid of liver spots is that not all dark pigmentation that appears on the skin are as a result of the condition. Some blemishes are indications of cancer and therefore before any attempt is made at trying to remove them, it is proper to consult a doctor who will advise accordingly. If the doctors advice confirms that the spots are indeed liver spots then one can choose any method to help get rid of liver spots.

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