9th November 2011
Seborrheic keratosis is the most common kind of lesion dermatologists claim to witness in many of their patients complaining of skin diseases.
They are raised, velvety looking spots that can be in a variety of colors ranging from white, black and many shades of brown. In most cases, seborrheic keratosis appears pasted on the skin. It can occur in several parts of the body and it has nothing to do with exposure to sun rays. However, there are in elements of genetics. It is unfortunate that there are no creams or medications that prevent or eradicate these types of spots. The only good thing is that they pose no health threat and don’t evolve into anything cancerous.
Doctors have several procedures that can remove seborrheic keratosis spots. The most common among these methods of removal is the use of liquid nitrogen. The procedure is called cryotherapy. It is a surgical removal done by using a scalpel or a sharp blade. Cryotherapy treatment does not require an anesthetic injection. It is easier to perform and is more popular with many doctors and patients. Discoloration or lightening of the treated area is the only risk involved, but also the treated area might develop a scar. The procedure is done often when seborrheic keratosis on the back is treated.
Seborrheic keratosis spots can get badly swollen and red. With time they become inflamed lesions and very itchy or tender. Many people believe that this asymptomatic and non-inflamed seborrheic keratosis spots are considered cosmetic.
Most procedures done to remove seborrheic keratosis spots are relatively expensive. Cheaper and easy to perform practices include post freezing of the lesions, application of petroleum jelly and the use of ointments. Earlier, smaller and flatter lesions are easier to remove than the large and thick ones. For better results when using cosmetics, one needs to treat them occasionally with liquid nitrogen with the help and prescription of a dermatologist.
When people grow old they need not to worry about seborrheic keratosis spots appearing on their skin because mostly they come with old age. However, a visit to the dermatologist is advisable so as to get the right establishment and identity of the lesions. There should be no need to panic if an evenly brown and velvety spot appears on the face, back of the hands or other location of the body. If the presence of a seborrheic keratosis spot on your body is irritating, and you need to eradicate it, make sure to seek advice from a dermatologist.
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8th November 2011
Are you having what is called an age spot? Then you need to handle things carefully before they get out of hand. That simple thing that looks like an ordinary brown spot may actually not be what you think it is. There are times it may be due to some unbecoming health conditions that may end up making things worse for you health wisely. On several occasions, the spot on several individuals has turned out to be actinic keratosis. On several occasions, the actinic keratosis had progressed into cancer of the skin. Therefore, the earlier you take action about the age spot the better for your health.
Right from the moment that you begin to notice the age spot, you should not hesitate to visit your doctor. You as an individual may not be able to differentiate between the one that can lead to cancer and the one that can’t lead to cancer. But your doctor is trained in such things and he can easily identify the difference between the cancerous one and the one that is not. Do not try any kind of home treatment. Instead, pay a visit to your doctor and have him examine you to detect if the age spot is cancerous or not.
It is not so difficult to identify an age spot that may end up as cancer. It has its own characteristic appearance. Usually, it looks like a scaly patch on the skin. It also looks very rough. After exposing your skin to the sun over a very long period of time, some kind of crusty substance will begin to form on the skin. Some people mistook this for an ordinary age spot. But in actual fact, it may be actinic keratosis, which can lead to cancer of the skin. There are times that sores may also appear around the spot.
When acne persists into adulthood, it tends to cause pigmentation scars where the tissue is damaged and this can be mistaken for age spots. When this happens, it should never be taken for granted since the simple acne may become the dreaded cancerous growth called actinic keratosis; AK for short.
Are you as old as 40 or 50 and you are still having pimples? The earlier you go for medical check up, the better. If not, the simple acne can act as the age spot that ends up as cancer. Timely medical check up will protect you from any possible bitter experience of cancer.
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7th November 2011
Stucco keratosis is a condition whereby some unusual growths form on the skin of an individual, more commonly knows as seborrheic keratosis. This condition is most common with males than in females. It affects the lower extremities of males though sometimes in the upper extremities as well and is most common in the ankles of the older people. Though this keratosis is mostly in men, it is not genetically inherited as one might think.
Stucco keratosis is associated with many lesions on the skin but they do not have symptoms that can be established and so one with this keratosis condition may not out rightly note the lesions as they are mostly unrecognizable. As the condition is rarely noticeable, sometimes it is only noticed by others who have the same ailment. In most cases, this keratosis is noticed at an elderly age when the lesions start giving a clear cut sign on the skin. Stucco keratosis has no particular known cause unlike most keratosis conditions.
Some of the features involved with stucco keratosis include having small lesions, mild growths that resemble skin warts and thickening of the skin is common. Typically, this keratosis is mostly found on the lower extremities of males and in ankles when it comes to older people.
The development of stucco keratosis is mostly associated with sun exposure. On the other hand, friction on the surface may also lead to development of this condition. The surface therefore may have some folds distributed all over, a few with papillae elongations.
With this condition, there is no particular treatment though some experimental measures are still being undertaken by specialists. Though this is the case, there have been some several remedies that are applied for this keratosis condition. To start with, there are some cream products which are applied as immune response modifiers. These creams are not a hundred percent effective in treating stucco keratosis but have proved to bring some changes to the condition.
There are still other procedures in place that aid in reduction of stucco keratosis. These procedures include scrapping the lesion which is an easy to follow procedure as there are minimal chances of bleeding. Other practices like freezing the lesions through cryotherapy also aid in stucco keratosis. Drying the tissues using high electric currents is also applied whereby the application is met through use of electrodes. In addition to these measures, there are some drugs that are recommended for people with this condition. These drugs also minimize stucco keratosis though some may not respond well with some people’s condition.
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6th November 2011
Age had been inadvertently connected with age spots. The elderly tend to suffer from it most. This is simply because the skin gets pigmented with this defect as one age. In most cases, the skin problem had been detected to be closely related with mole. It had been known to grow at the base of moles. It is sometimes referred to as solar lentigines. After exposing the skin to sunlight for so long, the outcome as we grow old is nothing other than this skin problem. Through this simple write up, you are going to learn about some important things relating to age spots on the skin.
Even though age has set in, some elderly people would rather want to maintain their skin as much as possible. In case you desire to have a smooth skin despite the fact that you are already advanced in age, you can be sure that there are several age spot removal agents that you can make use of. Most of the removal methods require just very simple application to the age spots and you can be rid of the problem you have on your skin and reclaim the lost glory of your skin. Always wear SPF to prevent more age spots developing.
After you must have applied any of the treatment methods for age spots on your skin, you need to take note of the fact that they can still come back,. But there are things you can do to prevent this possibility. What can be done involves you staying out of the sun as much as possible. If you have to go outdoors under the scorching sun, make sure you do not go without an umbrella or some form of cover. If not, the age spot may end up coming back on your skin.
When you first notice the age spots on the skin, the very first thing you should be wary of is skin cancer. Changes to the skin should always be checked. If care is not taken, the spot that you think is nothing may end up developing into cancer. You then need to visit a hospital for a cancer screening.
You can attempt to treat your age spots by yourself by using home remedies. Many home remedies for age spots can be bought or made yourself at home.
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5th November 2011
Pigmentation disorders has to do with some form of malformation or malfunctioning in the pigment of the skin. This concerns some of the naturally forming pigments of the skin and some of the artificial forms. The pigments are not supposed to show any dot on the skin. But the moment they begin to form one form of spot or the other on the skin, there is disorderliness in the pigments. Through this write up, you are going to learn about some of the common pigmentation disorders.
Melanin is the pigment in the skin that is responsible for the color of the skin. It carries out the function of normal pigmentation of the skin. But when there is one form of damage or the other to the pigment, it starts to malfunction. The unhealthy state of the pigment leads to the formation of some spots on the skin. Damage to the cells responsible for the production of melanin can also be responsible for its malfunctioning. Several factors can lead to the damage to the melanin leading to pigmentation disorders.
How it occurs
Pigmentation disorders can affect different parts of the body. There are some of these pigments that are found all over the body, while some other ones are only found in specific parts of the human body. Melanin malfunctioning can be due to the over production of the pigment by the skin. It is not only melanin that had been implicated in this regard; both the sunlight and Addison disease too are involved in the formation of pigmentation disorder.
Melanin related pigmentation disorder does not only have to do with over production of melanin; it can also be due to low production of the pigment. When melanin is produced below the normal quantity expected, the skin will start getting lighter than normal. Albinism is a very good example of the skin disorder. The later is however genetically transferred; unlike many of the other forms of skin disorder. Burns can also affect the normal functioning of the pigments and this can lead to disorder.
In order to diagnose a pigmentation disorder, a wood’s lamp examination is used. Chemical peels, laser surgery and dermabrasion are the methods used in the treatment of the pigment related disorder on the skin. It is not in your best interest to get the skin problem treated yourself; you should consult a doctor.
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4th November 2011
Seborrheic keratosis had been denoted by some as a problem associated with the elderly hence its alternative name senile keratosis. This is because the skin defect can only grow on skins that are already growing old. As one ages, he or she stands a great chance of having this skin problem. In case you are finding yourself in this problem, you can be sure that you can easily get the whole problem solved. This simple write up will open your eyes to some of the treatment methods that can be applied for the treatment of seborrheic keratosis at home.
Cyrotherapy can be very useful in the treatment of seborrheic keratosis. This is a home treatment method that involves the application of extreme cold. It involves the application of ice on the skin defect. It had been discovered that the treatment method does not go well with every form of the skin defect. If the skin defect had grown to its fullest height, the method may not work with a single application. But it can work on seborrheic keratoses that are still in their developmental stage. Aside this limitation, it is one of the best treatment methods that can be utilized at home for the skin defect.
It is also possible to get rid of the skin defect with the use of a home treatment method referred to as curettage. Curettage makes use of a spoon like kind of instrument. The instrument is applied directly under the seborrheic keratosis and then used to cut it out. This home treatment method too has its own measure of limitation in that it does not give assurance on the complete removal of the skin defect; there is a possibility of the seborrheic keratosis growing again after the initial removal.
Hydrogen peroxide
Many individuals have made use of hydrogen peroxide for removing seborrheic keratosis and they had come out with very good result. All you need to do is to apply the chemical substance directly on the surface of the skin growth. But before you apply it, it is important for the chemical to be properly mixed. A concentration of about 28% had been discovered to be very helpful in its treatment.
Glycolic Acid
Glycolic acid solution can also be used in treating seborrheic keratosis. The treatment method makes use of the same mode as hydrogen peroxide. It also needs to be diluted before it is used for this treatment.
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3rd November 2011
Age spots are due to old age, hence their name. The elderly are more prone to them and the risk of getting them increases as you grow older. It is somewhat related to sunlight. When excess sunlight is allowed to fall on the skin, it tends to lead to this skin problem. One thing to be noted about the skin problem is that it can appear on any area of the skin. Those areas exposed to the sun more often tend to have them more, unlike the areas that are mostly covered. This simple write up will be dealing with age spots that appear on the arms. There are times that this kind of skin problem is referred to as liver spot. It must be noted that it does not really have a thing to do with your liver.
In order to be able to recognize age spots on arms, you need to be able to differentiate them from another form of spot that may appear on the arm. This skin problem comes in various sizes. There are times it will appear as small as freckles and there are times it will be far bigger than that. If they appear singly, it may not be easy to identify them. But when age spots appears in a cluster, it becomes very easy to notice them on time. In appearance, they are oval in shape and they are flat. They can also appear in various colors; ranging from gray to brown and black.
Age spots appear on practically everyone, but they tend to appear on some set of people more than others. If you are light skinned, you tend to have it more. They are rarely noticeable in people who are dark skinned.
The sunlight is the main culprit for age spots. One thing about the sun is that it does not lead to the skin problem too quickly. The effect of the sun accumulates over a number of years and finally leads to age spots as one advances in age.
Are you still young and you do not like the idea of ending up with age spots? You will do well to start reducing your exposure to sunlight without SPF. If you are the type that loves to get a sun tan on holiday, you may end up with this problem on your arms when you grow older, and maybe on your face too.
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2nd November 2011
As people grow old and age, their skin cells tend to lose the ability to generate new skin and hence the old skin starts to dry up and form scaly crusts on the surface. This gives the skin spots that are growths above the normal skin surface that appear to be bulgy. The size, shape and color vary from black to dark tan. The combination of all these bulging appearances and growths makes the skin develop a condition called seborrheic keratosis. Even if they are harmless, they are very unattractive. However, this condition should not cause an alarm because seborrheic keratosis treatment methods that can be applied at home, which include the use of hydrogen peroxide.
Application of hydrogen peroxide as a seborrheic keratosis home treatment should be used and applied evenly every now and then until all the spots have been eliminated and disappeared completely. In addition, because chances of seborrheic keratosis regenerating are high, the continued use of hydrogen peroxide in either direct application or by adding it to the water used for bathing is suggested and worthwhile.
The use of a concentration of less than 80% of hydrogen peroxide will reduce the growth and appearance of seborrheic keratosis spots. The hydrogen peroxide used should be applied directly to the spots and left to act for about 10 to 15 minutes. Hydrogen peroxide will make the spots turn white and then pink as the seborrheic keratosis form scabs which will fade away in a period of a few days. Hydrogen peroxide should remain in use and should be applied periodically until all the spots of seborrheic keratosis disappear. For an evenly and precise application, one should use a small brush or cotton swab. The area around the spots that are treated should be moisturized before hydrogen peroxide is applied so that it does not burn the surrounding area. A small amount of hydrogen peroxide can be added to bathing water to avoid future growths. It should be noted that this treatment should be done regularly for better results of the disappearance of the seborrheic keratosis growths.
Hydrogen peroxide works like salicylic acid because when using a strong version of the hydrogen peroxide, it can be very caustic to the skin and once applied to the growths, it will start to kill them immediately. Application of hydrogen peroxide once a week is recommended and ensures total clearance of the spots.
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1st November 2011
Liver spots on feet may not be as visible as those that appear on the face, arms or neck. These dark spots that are as a result of age and overexposure to the sun’s rays are small in size, flat and harmless. These liver spots may however appear due to family lineage, if other members of the family have them, as well as spending too much time in tanning beds. Also known as lentigines, liver spots on feet are easy to hide though treatment methods are available that can help lighten the brown spots.
The skin being a sensitive body organ undergoes changes as one grows older. You will find that most individuals with liver spots on feet are those at the age above forty. Someone who had perfectly smooth clear skin in their younger days may end up with these spots. Steps can be taken however to ensure that these spots do not come along as age progresses. For one, to avoid liver spots on feet, it is important to always used sunscreen to prevent ultraviolet rays from harming your skin. Furthermore, sun exposure should be limited, especially early to late afternoon hours as this is when the rays are very strong.
Nonetheless, if you have liver spots on feet and you have the desire to get rid of them, there are certain treatment methods that one could undertake. Laser treatment is one method that has been known to work. This procedure does not last long, roughly twenty minutes and results are evident. On the other hand, since liver spots on feet are not so noticable, mild and simple treatment methods might work best. Applying Aloe Vera consistently is a helpful, self medicated way to go about it. Not only is it effective, it does not require too much time or effort to practice this treatment method. Over the counter creams do work too. Results are evident within a couple of months. When purchasing these creams, ensure you consult with the pharmacist so that you can buy creams that contain effective components. It is also good to do so to avoid getting anything that you may be allergic to.
Liver spots on feet are harmless and are also not cancerous. However, should you note anything different, for example in shape, size, color or texture, it is important to visit a physician to run tests and ensure it is not anything more serious. This will also help take any measures necessary should it be something other than liver spots.
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31st October 2011
Seborrheic keratosis means a greasy thickening of the body especially in the skin. These thickenings may be in a cluster and usually start off as light brown and dark oval spots often forming long structured patterns. The waxy and oily nature of seborrheic keratosis growths make them conspicuous features especially due to their appearance on several parts of the body that include the face, arms, and neck, that are not always covered.
Seborrheic keratosis spots are not contagious neither do they spread. In addition they have no relation to skin cancer and hence do not pose a health risk to affected people. The occurrence of seborrheic keratosis varies from person to person. There are people with many spots and others who have a few spots.
In some cases seborrheic keratosis may appear during pregnancy. This is because of the hormonal replacement therapy that is happening within the body. The seborrheic keratosis can come about as a result of other medical related problems.
Seborrheic keratosis is mostly inherited and is not only caused by sun exposure. Inheritance of seborrheic keratosis goes as far as determining its pattern and location where the growth will appear. Clothing rubbing against these growths can get irritating and make them grow even faster. Seborrheic keratosis mild steroid creams may help this. If they become very itchy and bleed easily, they should be immediately removed.
Because keratosis is superficial and can be easily seen, its removal should not be feared. However, in its treatment anesthetics are used to make the treatment painless and there is a little discomfort when treated areas heal.
These growths can be easily removed with treatment at home using a seborrheic keratosis cream. Seborrheic keratosis creams are applied topically, some are made with bio-skin-care extracts that clean the excess scaly materials of the skin by dissolving debris and damaged skin and abnormal tissues. These creams decongest the skin pores giving it the ability to remove waste products like sweat easily hence cleaning the skin. They favor regeneration of a healthy skin with all its structural components by digesting all damaged structures. This leaves the skin smooth, soft and refreshed. With prolonged usage, they also take away scales and reduce all types of skin blemishes, burns, blisters, roughness, cuts and scrapes.
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