30th October 2011
Skin pigmentation has become a well known skin problem. Those who are dark in complexion may not realize what is being discussed here. But for those who are light in complexion, they can end up with this skin problem if they consistently expose themselves to the sun. When the pigments appear on your skin, it tends to tarnish your appearance and give you a kind of older look. The pigments are completely unsightly and everything you can do in order to get them removed should be done without delay. There are some things that you need to know about skin pigmentation and this simple write up will make them known to you.
It is not advisable to just start treatment on any skin pigmentation without consulting your doctor. A doctor stands in the right position to give you the right kind of treatment for the particular kind of pigment.
Skin pigments can be found on different parts of the body. If you constantly expose that part to the sun, then you stand a very good chance of having this skin problem. If you are one of those that love to give yourself some measure of sun tan, you may end up with skin pigmentation when you grow older in the form of age spots or liver spots. In order to prevent this, you should make sure that you do not get exposed to the sun too often and always use SPF.
In order to get solution to this skin pigmentation, you can make use of some already prepared topical lotions. As you apply the lotion on the skin regularly, the pigments disappear. You should never expect any kind of miracle out of this treatment method. You may have to apply the cream for more than a month so as to get the needed solution to the pigmentation problem.
The use of lemon juice too had been implicated in the treatment of skin pigmentation problems. All you need to do is to extract the juice from the fruit and directly apply it to the surface of the skin where the pigment is and you can be sure of getting solution to the problem.
Patience is highly needed when you are aiming to get rid of pigmentation on your skin. As it had been mentioned earlier, there is no magical solution to the problem. Make sure that you do not give up along the way if you want a lasting solution to the problem.
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29th October 2011
An age spot is a sign of aging. It is therefore a common thing to search for a way to get the brown spot removed from the skin as quickly as possible, especially amongst women. In this article, you are going to be learning about some age spot removal agents that you can easily apply on the skin problem to get rid of age spots from your skin. Some of the removal methods for age spot are actually home remedies. This means that you will never need to visit a doctor or pharmacy to access them. There are some anyway that will require medical help before they can be applied to the problem area.
Try laser treatment
Laser treatment may be considerably expensive. But it is one of the best methods through which an age spot can be removed. You will need to visit a beauty salon or dermatologist to get this done. The trained expert will direct the laser to the site of the skin problem and you can be very sure that it will remove the liver spot effectively. You actually do not need to implement another method of treatment, except you may require top us sessions. One thing to note about laser is that the treatment may need to be applied again after a while since the age spot can reappear.
Cyrotherapy too…
Have you ever heard about cyrotherapy? Well, in case you have never heard of it, it involves the application of extreme cold for the treatment of age spot. Over time, this method had proved itself to be very helpful in treating the problem. But it had been discovered not to have much effect on an age spot that has already fully grown. If the ailment is still at its developmental stage, you can always make use of this method for the age spot.
Home Remedies
You can use many household items as a home made age spot remover. You apply them topically to the affected area, although some may take a few weeks or months of application before you see any results. Common age spot home remedies include lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, dandilion sap, glycolic acid and hydrogen peroxide.
Your doctor comes first
All in all, the best thing you can do when you suspect age spot on your skin is to make an appointment with your doctor. Your doctor will be in the best position to confirm your diagnosis and give you advice to help you get rid of the problem. Self medication is not the best option for everyone.
Nothing should ever be taken for granted at all as far as a change in your skin is concerned.
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28th October 2011
Seborrheic keratosis is becoming common kinds of skin defect among the elderly. In fact, many of them who have moles tend to end up with it. In case you are an elderly person, you should not be surprised when you begin to notice this strange looking, colored growth at the base of the mole on your skin. It may be Seborrheic keratosis. Through the information in this write up, you are going to be learning about one or two simple home remedy to get rid of the skin defect.
Seborrheic Keratosis Removal Methods
Search for any info online about how to treat seborrheic keratosis and the home removal methods you will come by for the skin growth will be no other than the use of glycolic acid solution and hydrogen peroxide. The two had been discovered to be the best home made substances for the outright removal of the skin problem. You may never need any medical expert to help you with the application and you will be saved from the problem of paying medical bills. There are things you need to consider as you make us of any of these treatment methods for removing seborrheic keratosis.
Glycolic Acid
Before you use glycolic acid to treat seborrheic keratosis, make sure that you properly mix it. Direct application can lead to burn on your skin due to the acidic nature of the chemical substance. The chemical should be made up to 30% concentration. The solution should then be applied directly on the surface of the spot for its complete removal. Before the solution can have the expected result, it needs to be applied on daily basis. So as to make the application easy, the solution can be poured into a spray bottle then applied to the seborrheic keratosis.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Another chemical substance that you can make use of as a home remedy for seborrheic keratosis is hydrogen peroxide. This chemical to needs to be properly mixed before you make use of it. You should not allow the substance to be more concentrated than about 30%. It can be applied the same way like glycolic acid solution.
In order to protect the skin around the Seborrheic keratosis from getting burnt due to the hydrogen peroxide, the skin should be covered with a moisturizer. In case you can’t lay your hands on any moisturizer, you can always make use of a lotion.
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27th October 2011
A very high percentage of people have keratosis. This condition involves layered scaly skin that almost resembles a wart, and for this reason are often called senile warts, also due to their association with old age. This calls for removal as it interferes with the health and beauty of an individual. The condition has several variations that have different health risks as well.
Removing keratosis involves various methods that range from treatment through surgery by doctors, following some home remedies that are fit for removing the condition and using pure natural methods.
On medical issues, curettage is one of the applied methods to remove keratosis. This is whereby the skin specialists or doctors use some special equipment for the task to physically remove keratosis. This process is then followed by an electrocautery process, whereby the use of an electrical charge is the key factor. This electrical charge burns the growth completely thus destroying it and removing keratosis.
Still on medical methods, cryotherapy is also applied where the doctor freezes the growths using liquid nitrogen. Freezing also removes the keratosis making one regain their natural beauty and health. There are still some medical solutions that are used to remove keratosis that include hydrogen concentrations. These solutions can also be used at home if prescribed by the dermatologist.
Removing keratosis also entails use of various acids in dilute form. These acids include lactic acid that is the most effective. They are applied through spraying them on the keratosis affected areas of the skin. These acids normally have an itching effect but one gets used to them when they use them on a regular basis.
Another way to remove keratosis is the employment of home remedies. This is the most preferred way as one uses these remedies while at home. Moisture is the most essential thing that determines the skin texture. Moisturizing is a home remedy for keratosis. Ensuring frequent application of moisture through use of products rich in urea removes the keratosis condition.
Eating balanced diets is also another home practice that helps to treat keratosis. Fruits, vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids have proven the best meals for skin. These aids in improving the skin texture hence removing keratosis at some levels. Omega-3 fatty acids can be directly obtained from walnuts, flux seeds and salmon as well as supplements rich in these fatty acids. All these stuff can be purchased from health stores at reasonable prices.
Other measures such as avoiding stuff that usually causes irritation on the skin and allergies also removes keratosis in small commendable percentages. When irritation comes in, it leads to one scratching their bodies through to the keratosis affected areas and that worsens the condition. Therefore, one should always ensure they avoid such circumstances.
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26th October 2011
Liver spots are spots on the skin’s surface that usually occur with increase in age and also as a result of clumping together of the pigment that gives the skin’s color, melanin. This excessive melanin gathers in specific areas of the skin and gives it an appearance of brown spots. One of the popular causes of liver spots is the over-exposure of the skin to the ultra-violet rays of the sun. They appear to be flat, round and painless spots that developed on the hands, arms, shoulders, face and legs. The legs are parts of the body that are not usually covered hence they get exposed to the sun most of the time. Women especially are commonly affected by liver spots on their legs as they spend a great deal of time and effort tanning their legs and often using a deep tanning oil instead of a high SPF like other areas of their body while on holiday.
Liver spots on legs appear to be like brown spots on legs that occur over a period of time due to old age or due to possession of some genetic inheritance. When the skin is overexposed to the sun for a long period of time and remains unprotected, melanin accumulation in the skin increases in a manner that it gets multiplied with a higher rate hence forming clusters. These clusters are the ones referred to as liver spots.
Liver spots can come about on the inner thigh part of the leg, near the groin, on the feet or around the ankles. They decolorize the skin tone mostly in people with dark skin. Although the spots on thighs show symptoms of darkening and dryness they do not affect a particular area.
Affected people should be keen to go along with available wellness approaches to eliminate liver spots on the legs. This can be through use of essential minerals which help minimize the liver spots and natural vitamins that help protect skin from any more harm.
Simple sunscreen lotions can be used to protect the legs and thighs from the radicals produced by the sun’s rays which darken the skin. The lotions can be used every time before exposure to the sun. At all times avoid ultra-violet rays of the sun by taking proper precaution like wearing hats or long sleeved clothes.
Drinking plenty of water regularly ensures that the skin remains supple with enough moisture. Also avoid mostly fried and processed food through maintenance of a proper and nutritious healthy diet.
You should always seek a dermatologists advice on any changes to the appearance of you skin, also for appropriate guidance, on which treatment to remove liver spots on legs would be best for you.
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25th October 2011
There are several treatment methods that can be undertaken in order to get skin pigmentation treated. Are you noticing brown patches on your skin and you would love to get rid of them? You can get that done through the treatment methods that are described below in this write up. Don’t forget that individual skins do differ. A treatment method that works on a particular skin may not work on another type of skin. You may have to try more than one method to get the skin pigmentation problem resolved finally.
Most of the topical creams that are around contain hydroquinone as the most active ingredients. The hydroquinone is a bleaching agent and it can help you in bleaching your skin and removing the skin pigmentation problem. The hydroquinone concentration in each of these creams does differ. It therefore becomes very important for you to check out the content before you buy. Within a month or thereabout, you should be able to get some positive result with the use of the topical cream on your skin pigmentation problem. The topical cream does not actually remove the pigments. What it does is to give your skin a lighter shade; this will then prevent the pigments from being obvious.
There is a mechanical method of removing skin pigmentation and this involves the use of a skin exfoliator. The method makes use of the crystals of aluminum oxide. With the aid of the exfoliator, the dead layer of your skin on which the pigments are is removed. This then gives you a new layer of skin which will be completely free of any pigment. The skin exfoliator can be used for treating the pigmentation problem right at home. But in case you have any problem in understanding how it works, you can always rely on a dermatologist to help you out.
Kojic acid is also known to be able to help out with your pigmentation problem. It can help you to tone your skin just like hydroquinone. Its use involves the simple application of the acid on your skin and you can be sure of positive response in a short while.
Dermabrassion is another way to treat your pigmentation problem. This method offers one of the fastest treatment methods for this skin problem. You can even expect result within the first two weeks of treatment.
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24th October 2011
Age spots are known by several names. There are times they are called liver spots. Some other sets of people do refer to them as senile freckles. At times they are also called old age spots or solar lentigo. The link with “solar” is due to the fact that they are caused by consistent exposure to sunlight. They are called old age spots since they are commonly associated with old age. Those who spent their younger ages under the sun without SPF are the ones that tend to suffer with the age spots. If you love to sunbathe, you stand a very good chance of having this skin blemish as you grow older.
Old age spots can be found on any part of the body. If that part is consistently exposed to sunlight, then it can end up developing age spots. The areas on which it is commonly found are the scalp, the hands, the arms and the face. They also come in various colors. The color can be shades of brown, black or red. There are times that it also appears as light brown. The color possessed by age spots is the reason why they are associated with the liver and called liver spots.
Sunlight is the main culprit as far as this skin problem called age spots are concerned. At a younger age, it becomes very easy for the skin to overcome the ultraviolet rays from the sun. But as the individual ages, it becomes more challenging for the skin to cope with the ultraviolet ray from the sun. This failure to oppose the UV ray leads to the build up of pigment and the formation of old age spots on the skin of the individual. Age spots may not be found on an individual until the person is as old as about 40 or above.
Generally, age spots do not have any health implications whatsoever. It only tends to make your skin look older than its years. Several research projects have however been conducted into the health implication of age spots and it had been discovered that they are commonly found on those with cancer of the skin. This is due to the fact that both are caused by overexposure to the sun. Age spots themselves are not cancerous, but you should always get any change to your skin checked by a dermatologist.
You should not wait till the age spots grow or become darker. You should look for a way to get age spots removed when they appear.
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22nd October 2011
Seborrheic keratosis, a skin condition brought by abnormal growth of skin cells occurs usually on the base of the skin. This condition can easily be mistaken with skin warts; most of the time though this condition is associated with aging of the skin. The growths vary in their size, shape, and color and they may appear as single growths or in thick bulging groups. Though they may look harmless, they can cause a highway for entry of various diseases to the body. However, lucky enough they can be eliminated with the use of locally available home remedies. Examples include:
Hydrogen Peroxide
A concentration of less than 80% of hydrogen peroxide can help reduce the appearance of seborrheic keratosis spots. This hydrogen peroxide is applied directly to the spots and left to act for a few minutes. It will turn the seborrheic keratosis spots white and then with time, the spots become pink as they form scabs that will fade away. Hydrogen peroxide should be periodically applied until all the spots disappear. For a more even and precise application, a small brush or cotton swab should be used and the skin around the area to be treated must also be moisturized so that it does not get burnt by the hydrogen peroxide used. To prevent future occurrences, a small amount of hydrogen peroxide can be added to the water used for bathing. This treatment can be done regularly until the spots disappear.
Glycolic Acid
This is another homemade acid prepared by making an acid solution of not more than 30% of glycolic acid. This mixture is squirted on the area where the spots are located and then left to sit with the solution for a few hours without washing. This treatment may cause a stinging feeling but stops after a while. It then forms a crust on the treated spot that eventually falls off to reveal smooth skin.
Homemade remedies for seborrheic keratosis are preferred by many people because they are cheaper than going to the doctor. Eating nutritious balanced foods and staying hygienic is one home remedy for seborrheic keratosis.
Cleanliness and eating a good balanced diet keeps diseases away and this is also a case that is also relevant when it comes to seborrheic keratosis. This skin condition rarely disappears on its own hence affected people need other homemade remedies for seborrheic keratosis other than hygiene.
Eating food with the required vitamins accompanied by vitamin supplements is another home remedy for seborrheic keratosis.
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21st October 2011
Keratosis is common and affects a large population of people universally. This condition can easily be removed at home through simple measures that are to be followed in the right way.
As a home keratosis removal practice, moisturizing is the best way to go about it. Moisture is very important and effective in treating keratosis. In this, one should choose a thick moisturizer that contains urea. The frequent application of moisture on the keratosis affected areas helps in softening the skin. Moisturizing should be practiced particularly during the winter season when air in the rooms is drier. One should always ensure they regulate their room temperatures to maintain natural moisture and during the night, humidifiers should always be used as this whole practice prevents worsening of keratosis. In addition to moisturizing, one should also ensure they take water amply as well as avoid other drinks that dehydrate the skin. This process reduces the chances of keratosis developing further and also removes them.
Applying some lactic acids directed by the doctor also helps in removing keratosis. These acids come in the form of cream whereby they are applied on keratosis affected areas. Though these acids have an irritating effect on the skin, one should start applying then slowly and later increase the usage as one becomes more and more used to these acids. The acids are much more effective with keratosis and the healing process is increased.
Eating a balanced diet is still another way to remove keratosis while at home. The best meals for the skin include vegetables, fruits and fatty acids. The fatty acids are useful in improving the skin texture whereby these can be acquired from salmon, walnuts and flux seeds. Supplements rich in these fatty acids can be purchased from health stores worldwide. Therefore, eating balanced meals help remove keratosis by enhancing the skin texture.
One should also avoid foods and other stuff that might cause irritation to the skin. Some of these allergy causing irritants include perfumes, detergents that have strong scents, dust and smoke. These cause irritation to the skin worsening the condition. Allergens are of distinct types as one may also be affected by some food intake. These foods also cause flare ups on the skin and that worsen the keratosis condition. All these are meant to control itching on the skin and that way, the keratosis is slowly eliminated.
These ways of removing keratosis at home take time for one to notice any differences. This should not hinder one from continually following up the procedures. One should take up measures at home that work perfectly for their keratosis condition.
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20th October 2011
Liver spots also known as age spots have no relation at all to the liver. As a matter of fact, these are dark spots, either dark brown or almost reddish, which are found on the face, hands, neck and arms. Liver spots on arms are common and this is because the main cause of these spots is overexposure to the sun. Though age has been linked to this condition, ultraviolet rays are the resultant cause of the spots. Even though they are common, and many sun related skin ailments are considered cancerous, liver spots on arms are not harmful to one’s health.
All the same, many people prefer not to have them due to their unsightliness as well as the fact that they do limit one’s fashion sense. With liver spots on arms, anyone who is overly conscious of them will be forced to wear long sleeved tops or sweaters just to cover the spots up. Though they may be as little as freckles on some people, they may grow as large as a centimeter or more, making it really uncomfortable for others. There are a few treatment methods that can be undertaken to control the condition. However, some methods do not guarantee that the spots will clear completely.
To get rid of liver spots on arms, one first needs to consult with a dermatologist to ensure that these are actually liver spots. This helps eliminate any other conclusions and helps determine the best mode of treatment. Home remedies are certainly the simplest and cheapest way to treat liver spots on arms. Castor oil and lemon juice help by simply brushing them over the liver spots. Likewise, a mix of onion juice, made by blending onions, and apple cider vinegar applied on the spots will help clear them away. It’s important to note that the spots significantly clear away though it take a period of about a month to two months before a complete difference is observed. For those who prefer medicated methods, over the counter creams are available in most pharmacies. Other treatments for liver spots on arms include laser treatments, dermabrasion, cyrotherapy and chemical peels.
To avoid getting liver spots on arms, it is advisable to take note of the amount of time spent exposed to ultraviolet rays, whether it is outside sunbathing or getting a tan in a tanning bed. Protective measures such as applying sunscreen, wearing hats and long sleeved tops, to limiting the time spent in tanning beds will play a part in preventing liver spots on arms.
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