Seborrheic Keratosis H2O2 Cure

Seborrheic Keratosis H2O2 Cure

Do you have seborrheic keratosis on your skin and are confused about how to get rid of it to regain your smooth skin back? Are you embarrassed every someone notices your seborrheic keratosis or when undressing infront of your partner? You do not need to suffer any longer as there is a completely natural solution to treat these brown growths.

There are very simple things you can do to get rid of seborrheic keratosis from your skin without the need to visit the hospital or doctor, but you should always ask a doctor to diagnose a skin condition before beginning any treatment. In some cases seborrheic keratosis removal is not covered by medical insurance which is a problem if you do not have much money, but there are inexpensive home remedies you can use to treat keratoses yourself. Using H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) is extremely effective and you can be sure that your seborrheic keratosis will disappear within a very short period of time.

There are many methods for treating seborrheic keratosis. While some of them are very effective, some other ones do not actually give much of a result. One of the most reliable ones among these treatment methods involves the use of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide has been proved over time to have the capability to get rid of seborrheic keratosis from the skin; provided you apply it as instructed.

Hydrogen peroxide normally has a burning effect on skin. When it is applied on seborrheic keratosis, the H2O2 will begin to react & attack the surface of the SK . After repeated applications the keratosis will dry out and form a scab, if you leave the scab to fall off naturally it will reveal the skin beneath. Daily applications for approx 14 days is the average length of time before the seborrheic keratosis will be removed from the skin.

It is important to clean the surface of the skin condition before you apply the hydrogen peroxide to it. This will go a long way towards the effectiveness of the H2O2 & quicken the rate at which the keratosis is treated. Aside from this, you should also cover the skin condition with a band aid inbetween treatments if the SK is in an area irritated by clothing & to prevent the scab from being removed prematurely during the healing process.

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Avocado Oil & Seborrheic Keratosis

Infected Seborrheic Keratosis


Cures For Melasma

Cures For Melasma

Many doctors & sufferers are of the opinion that it is completely impossible to treat melasma, but the truth is that “cures for melasma” work for some and not for others. Mant of those afflicted with this hormone related skin condition have made use of several methods or products prescribed by so called experts to get rid of it, but many have not been successful in their battle against this stubborn form of pigmentation. Before you give up hope, you should consider the solutions mentioned below. One of them may be the solution to your skin condition. If you have tried every treatment available with no joy then you should concentrate your efforts and money on preventing melasma rather than cures for melasma.

Try laser

Laser is an effective but expensive method for getting rid of melasma. Laser can actually been used for numerous different forms of skin conditions, melasma being just one of them. You however need to understand that you will not be able to get this treatment done at home; you will have to pay a visit to the hospital or trained therapist.  The use of laser for melasma should be performed under the direct guidance of a dermatologist.

Topical cream can help

It is also possible for you to see good results with topical creams for treating melasma. There are so many topical creams available today that are specifically made for this skin condition. You can also get them over the counter in many of the drug stores in certain countries. You only need to apply the topical cream directly to the surface of the skin condition. Applying it twice per day is sure to bring some noticable improvement over a short period of time.

While purchasing any topical cream for the cure of melasma, you need to specifically look out for a cream that contains alpha hydroxyl acid. This is the most important active ingredient in the topical creams specially made for this skin condition.  It is not difficult at all to come by such a cream. This is because many of the pharmaceutical companies around are actually making the creams and you can get them easily over the counter.

Birth Control Pill & Pregnancy

Melasma is a  skin condition but the root cause is hormonal, often triggered by the pill or is often associated with pregnancy – hence its common name “Pregnancy Mask”. If you are or have recently been pregnant, or are taking the birth control pill this could very well be the reason for your melasma & therefore no treatments should be considered until at least a year after pregnancy or after stopping the pill.


Any treatment method used for melasma, or in fact any form of pigmentation should always include the use of sunscreen. It does not matter how sophisticated or effective the treatment method is. If the patient does not make sue of sunscreen after the treatment had been carried out, there is a great chance of the melasma coming back. If you have tried melasma treatments without success then sunscreen & avoiding sun exposure might be the only thing you can do to keep the brown pigmentation patches to a minimum.

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Epidermal Melasma

Dermal Melasma


Facial Liver Spots

Facial Liver Spots

Liver spots is another name for age spots. Liver spots do not have any cancerous properties – they are completely benign and you can leave them untreated on the skin without fear of having skin cancer. Liver spots got their name because of their similarity to the color of the liver. They are also commonly referred to as brown spots or sun spots.

Liver spots can be found anywhere on the body but the most common areas are the face, chest & backs of the hands – because there are the areas most often exposed to the sun. Facial liver spots can show up on your face more so if you have a light skin color. Those with dark skin can also have facial liver spots but they may not be as obvious.

Facial age spots can make a person feel ugly. This also depends on the number of liver spots that you have on your face. If the liver spots are many, then you may want to get rid of them so as to regain your normal skin color & self esteem. There are simple treatment methods you can employ to get rid of facial liver spots.

Topical creams

The use of topical creams may be the most popular method to treat facial liver spots. The topical creams are prepared in such a way that you can apply them like you are applying ordinary kind of moisturizing cream. They contain hydroquinone, which can help you to bleach the color of the liver spot and give you your normal skin color back.  Topical creams can be bought over the counter and they are relatively inexpensive.

Apple cider vinegar

This is an old wives remedy & it can be very helpful in ridding your skin of the brown spots. You can apply it on the face by using cotton wool or a q-tip. The solution is mild on the skin and it can help you to bleach liver spots gently. Before you apply the apple cider vinegar, make sure you wash the face and pat dry gently.

Hydrogen peroxide

This is a more powerful method of removing liver spots from your face. You can apply it the same way you apply the apple cider vinegar with cotton wool or a q-tip. Regular application is necessary for quick removal of facial liver spots. The area of treated skin will dry & peel off.

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How To Prevent Liver Spots With Vitamins

Cure For Liver Spots


Change Of Color Of Age Spot

Change Of Color Of Age Spot

An age spot is not something out of the ordinary. Many people around the world have them. Look closely at the skin of many of the adults around and it is possible for you to discover this skin condition on more than 60% of them. The skin condition had been around since man himself had been existing on earth. Both males and females can also get affected with it. There is also possibility of discovering the skin condition on people of younger age; especially if they are consistently exposed to the sun.

When this skin is exposed to the sun excessively, the sun triggers the production of more melanin than normal.  This leads to the production of age spot on the skin. An age spot can also be referred to as a liver spot because it tends to have the same color as that of the liver. It should be noted however that there is no link between the liver and liver spots. The name is just a similarity of color.

When an age spot changes color

An age spot will first appear as a pale color slightly darker than your skin, but will progressively become darker. Do not forget that the accumulated melanin responsible for the appearance of age spot is responsible for skin coloration, so if an age spot appears which is not inkeeping with your skin tone you should get it checked by a doctor. Also an age spot should be consistent in color. If your age spot begins to develop different colors or is irregular in color you should ask a doctor to take a look, just to make sure it is in fact only an age spot.

But as time goes on, the color of age spot tends to change. It can change from the usual light brown color to a few shades darker. This only occurs when the skin condition is left untreated for a very long time. When this change in color occurs, it becomes very easy for anyone from a distance to notice the skin condition on the affected person.

Age Spot vs Cancer

It should however be noted that there is no link between the darkened appearance of an age spot and cancer. Because the age spot changes in color does not translate to the formation of a cancerous growth. It should also be noted that the same kind of treatment that is used against the light brown age spot is the same used for treating the dark spot that results. If you are at all concerned about the nature of any new marks on your skin, aska dermatologist to take a look, its better to be safe than sorry.

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Age Spot Color

Age Spot or Skin Cancer?


Actinic Keratosis Spots

Actinic Keratosis Spots

Actinic keratosis is a skin condition that affects mainly light skinned people at the age of forty and above. This condition can also affect other people who expose their bodies to the sun. For instance, some people have actinic keratosis on their left side because of exposed sunlight while driving. This condition comes as a result of exposure of the body to dangerous emissions from the sun such as ultraviolet rays.  Note that this condition appears on the parts that are exposed the sun. Such parts include nose, on the face, ears and on the forearms. Actinic keratosis spots appear as small, red, rough and flat spots which look like dry skin patches.

Actinic keratosis is a serious condition that has for a long period of time affected majority of the people in the world. This condition has and is likely to be a challenge to many people because there is no any specific skin test, blood test or x-rays for diagnosis of this condition.

Because of the small size of the keratosis spots and its skin colored appearance, it is hard for most people to discover that they are suffering from this condition. This may later on develop into skin cancer if effective treatment measures are not taken up well in advance by the victim. However, it is important to know that not all actinic keratosis develops into cancer and that it is a small percentage of less than ten which gets to develop into cancer. This shows the importance of the need to seek medical attention from specialized doctors for effective medical attention should one realize that he/she is suffering from actinic keratosis.

Actinic keratosis is a condition that can be prevented if only effective measures are taken by all the people who are bound to be victims of this condition. Every one should also know that the intensity of sunlight during the day and more especially from 10am to 4.00pm produces strong rays which cause destruction of the skin [keratosis]. It is necessary for one to avoid as much as possible exposure of the body to the sun during this time. Again, wearing of huts and cloths contribute greatly in protecting the body against actinic keratosis. Diclofenac tropical cream can be used to effectively deal with this condition. The treatment of this condition takes a period of about four to six months and it can be treated using different methods. The best results can be achieved by closely consulting the doctor.

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Seborrheic Keratosis & Actinic Keratosis: What’s The Difference?

Treatment For Actinic Keratosis


Avocado Oil & Seborrheic Keratosis

Avocado Oil & Seborrheic Keratosis

Seborrheic Keratosis is a common condition of the skin. It starts slowly with small spots and gradually develops into rough bumps. The bumps usually thicken forming a warty surface. They also appear in different colors which range from white, black, or brown. They can appear anywhere on the skin surface. Its appearance on the skin can look like moles or even brown wax pasted on the skin’s surface. The good thing about this skin problem is that it is not contagious as other skin diseases.

It’s a very common condition especially in the middle aged and older people. The most affected people by this skin condition are family members with the history of having seborrheic keratosis hence genetic. For others it tends to appear during pregnancy or after having treatment known as estrogen replacement therapy. Such growths are rare in children therefore not associated with them. For people who tend to have repeated growths should seek professional advice. Studies have revealed that sunlight plays a major role in the growth of Seborrheic Keratosis. This happens when the skin is not protected well and gets direct exposure to the suns rays. But this is not a clear fact and further studies are needed to provide the right answer on the cause of Seborrheic Keratosis.

Avocado oil can be used for treating seborrheic keratosis growths. It is applied on the skin’s surface creating a moisturizing effect which makes the growth look smooth and supple. It’s one of the natural methods used for treating Seborrheic growths. The benefit of the avocado oil is that it’s rich in vitamins. Its use evens out the tone of the skin making it look better after healing from the growths.

It does not hurt when applying this oil and it’s proven. The use of Avocado oil has no side effects to approximately 92%. One is able to achieve good and healthy skin with such a natural treatment by use of avocado oil. It helps in removing old spots on the skin and ugly marks caused by Seborrheic Keratosis. This oil facilitates the creation of collagen in the skin. The natural skin will grow normally and reduce chances of having skin complications. With the skin being the largest organ caution is required when treating any defects. Avocado oil allows healing and it is safest treatment for Seborrheic Keratosis.  Before commencing treatment seek visit your doctor to confirm that you in fact have Seborrheic Keratosis.

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Infected Seborrheic Keratosis

Seborrheic Keratosis Cures


Brown Spots On Skin

Brown Spots On Skin

Brown spots are just that, brown spots. Not all of them are medical conditions as some of them come and go on their own. Most brown spots on skin are harmless and remain that way for the rest of a person’s life. A large percentage of people are concerned with how they look and this causes them to resent the fact that they have brown spots. Many of them are continuously looking for medication and remedies that will work to remove the spots.

Most of the treatments that are out there that claim to work on brown spots are in the form of topical creams or lotions that are applied to the affected area. These treatments are said to have ingredients which, when applied lighten the brown spot in order for it to appear the same as the rest of the skin color. Such treatment is deemed to be very costly.

There is also the option of bleaching which is not a favorite among many. Brown spots are said to be simply extra deposits of melanin which is the pigment that gives the skin its color. Dark skinned individuals have more melanin while light skinned persons have less melanin. Most bleach agents contain a powerful ingredient called hydroquinone. It works by reducing the rate at which hydroquinone is produced. One other ingredient that is good at fading brown spots is Kojic acid. It does lessen the appearance of brown skin and it has one added positive side effect as well. It has anti-oxidant properties.

There are numerous other ingredients that can help in reducing the appearance of brown spots, with some being stronger than others. Some of these agents even provide the opportunity for new skin cells to develop.

Another form of treatment, albeit an expensive one, is laser therapy. As the name suggests, it involves the use of laser beams to remove brown spots. It is the easiest and the most efficient way of getting rid of brown spots, not forgetting to mention that is the fastest as well. A laser light is used to pass over the skin area that is affected and is absorbed by oxyhaemoglobin. This leaves the cells in the state that they are meant to be.

However, one setback with most of these treatments is that they are mostly too expensive for the average person to afford. Aside from that, a lot of the treatment is temporary and in the long run, the brown spots will still remain.

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Fractional Resurfacing For Brown Spots, Freckles & Age Spots

Brown Spots


Is Keratosis Precancerous?

Is Keratosis Precancerous?

Keratosis is a condition that affects the skin of fair-skinned people who expose themselves to excessive sunlight over time. This condition can also occur as result of hormonal imbalance in the body. This may be due to suppressed immune system after an organ transplant. Usually, this condition appears on different parts of the body which are exposed to excessive solar. Such parts include the face, the nose, ears and the arms.

It is true that actinic keratosis is precancerous. This means that, keratosis can progressively develop into skin cancer which is likely to pose a serious problem to the patient. However, it is important to note that it is only a small percentage of Keratosis cases that actually develop into real cancer. Note therefore that, the process of keratosis developing into skin cancer takes many years. However, if one takes precautionary measures at an early stage, the likelihood of keratosis developing into cancer becomes very minimal.

Squamous cell skin cancer is the only type of cancer which has the potential of spreading to other parts of the body. On the other hand, actinic keratosis has a relatively low potential of spreading to the other parts of the body. In order to prevent actinic keratosis from growing into cancer, it is important for one to seek advice from a professional doctor regarding their removal and ways of preventing them from further growth.

Keratosis presents itself differently on different people. To some, it may appear for a short time and disappear for some days only to reappear after some time on the same area. The part of the skin which has been affected by keratosis may look blotchy. It may also feel rough and painful when touched by the hand.

Keratosis is a skin condition that can be prevented if only people were willing to take effective precautionary measures. It is important to know that the quality of your skin is so vital to your body. Apart from the important role that it plays, it gives you that beautiful complexion that is so unique to you alone. It is therefore important for you to wear protective clothing so as to protect your body against sun emissions. The exposure time should also be limited as much as possible. It is also advisable to use sunscreen as one of the preventive measures against Keratosis. Regular consultation with a qualified physician whenever one has some growths on the skin is highly advisable.

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How To Stop Keratosis


Skin Cancer vs Age Spots

Skin Cancer vs Age Spots

Age spots are a very common skin condition. These brown spots of pigmentation can affect people of any age and affect both males and females. One of the main worries about age spots is the fear that they can lead to skin cancer. Many people who suffer from age spots are concerned about the effect on their health more than the signs of aging. The truth however is that there is no evidence to suggest that age spots turn into skin cancer.

What are age spots?

Age spots mainly affect adults. Those who are aging are the ones that are most affected. As one grows older, the skin condition comes up. This often happens if the affected individual had been exposed excessively to the sun while he or she was younger. As one grows older, the outer part of the skin gets thinner and this makes the skin more susceptible to the development of age spots. Excessive exposure to the sun makes more melanin, which is the pigment for skin color, to be produced. This leads to the production of more age spots.

Age spots occur on thin part of the skin and those parts that are consistently exposed to the sun. Since the back of the hand is such a place, it is very common to have age spots on hands.

What about cancer?

Skin cancer can be caused by overexposure to the sun and the skin condition is called actinic keratosis. Actinic keratosis begins as a small red crusty spot on the skin and is usually itchy. The edges are also irregular. These precancerous lesions can bleed and be sore. Cancer does not remain on the outer surface of the body like age spots, but it tends to extend into internal parts of the body. Skin cancer is common on several parts of the body like the face, the arms, the scalp, the back, the ears and the neck. These are places regularly exposed to the sun, and places we usually forget to apply sunscreen. Skin cancer is very common on the ears and scalp of men as a woman’s hair offers more protection to these areas.

Any link between the two?

As it had been mentioned, age spots are not harmful but cancer is. There is also no possibility of age spots leading to cancer. Anyone entertaining this kind of fear should stop worrying. While an age spot remains on the surface, cancer does not; it transcends the skin surface and enters into the body system.

Although age spots do not lead to cancer, they are thought to be related because they affect the same people due to them both being caused by sun exposure.

While a person may not bother about treating an age spot, anyone suspecting they have a precancerous lesion should get it treated by a doctor immediately. Age spots are completely harmless, but skin cancer is dangerous to your health, and can even be fatal. If quickly treated, cancer can be taken care of while it is still localized on the skin.

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Old Age Spots On Skin

Procedure To Remove Age Spots


How To Prevent Liver Spots With Vitamins

How To Prevent Liver Spots With Vitamins

Liver spots can affect both men and women. It does not actually have much preference for any particular age, but it had been noticed to be more in the older generation. As you grow older, you stand more chances of ending up with the skin condition. As one grows older, the skin tends to thin out and this predisposes them to liver spots. Smoking and exposure to the sun can also make the skin condition darken and it will become more visible to anyone looking from a distance.

Liver spots can sometimes disappear on their own after some time. But the discoloration of the skin is one thing that many people may not find easy to condone. So, they seek to get rid of the thing before it disappears on its own. Over time, lots of treatment methods had been developed for this skin condition. With the aid of the treatment methods, it had now become possible for one to get rid of this skin problem.  One of the treatment methods is the application of vitamins. This write up will look into those vitamins that can help to get rid of liver spots.

Vitamin A

This vitamin brings about cell turnover and this can help to break up the pigmentation that has formed on the skin. At the end of the day, the skin problem tends to disappear.  New healthy skin tends to grow at the site of the old pigmented one. Vitamin A can be applied in form of topical cream on the pigments.  It is available in the form of tretinoin or retinol.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C can reduce free radical damage. Free radicals can make the skin grow older and make liver spots appear more frequently. The process is highly reduced by vitamin C. Vitamin C is also available in the form of topical cream and it can be applied directly to the surface of the liver spot. It is possible to get the cream over the counter. It is mostly available in the form of ascorbic acid.

Vitamin E

This vitamin can also be very helpful in getting rid of liver spots from the skin. After you must have excessively exposed yourself to the sun, apply about 5% of the vitamin and your skin can be protected and prevented from developing liver spots. Vitamin E can help to prevent formation of inflammation and free radicals, which can prompt brown spots. The vitamin E is available in the form of topical cream.

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