Curettage For Keratosis

Curettage For Keratosis

There are 2 main types of keratosis – actinic keratosis which is precancerous and must be treated by a doctor, and seborrheic keratosis which is harmless but can have the worst appearance of the two. When seborrheic keratosis appears on the skin, it can really make the skin look ugly and unsightly with the formation of large brown growths. Because of this, anyone who has this kind of skin condition may desire to get rid of it. In case you so desire, this simple write up will show you a very reliable method that can be very useful in getting rid of keratosis from your skin.

The treatment method for keratosis removal that will be discussed here is the one referred to as curettage. This method had been used with very great degree of success. This is a very simple treatment method for keratosis and is mainly performed by doctors, this is not a keratosis treatment you can perform yourself. On several occasions, the use of this treatment method had been compared with cryotherapy and the two had actually been certified to be very effective against keratosis.

This treatment method for keratosis is carried out in a hospital or doctors surgery. First of all, the area surrounding the skin condition will have to be anesthetized. This involves the use of a local anesthetic. After this had been done, the keratosis is cut away using a sharp spoon shaped instrument called a curette.  One thing about this treatment method is that it can be used on any one between the ages of 18 and 75; provided the individual is having the skin condition.  Both males and females too can benefit from the treatment method. In case any one is below the age of 18, it may not be safe to use the treatment method on them. Researches are still on going about how the curettage can be successfully applied on kids of lower age without any kind of medical complication.

It is not advised to make use of the treatment method without the application of local anesthesia. This is because the method can be very painful. Treating keratosis using this method has to do with the scraping off of the skin condition. This can be accompanied by pain. It then becomes important to numb the skin around the area where the treatment method will be applied.

After the curettage had been applied for the treatment of this skin condition, it can lead to the formation of a small scar on the skin.

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Keratosis Spots On Skin

Keratosis Natural Treatment


Hydroquinone for Age Spots

Hydroquinone for Age Spots

Age spots, which are also commonly referred to as solar lentigines, are spots that appear on the skin of an individual, as he/she ages. Most of these spots are also caused by overexposure to the sun. No matter the cause, most people do not appreciate their appearance on their skin and hence they constantly are looking for ways to get rid of them altogether. There are numerous treatments that are available when it comes to treating age spots such as creams, lotions, peels and home remedies. One effective ingredient that is used in most of this medication is hydroquinone.

Hydroquinone is an agent that can be found in bleaches and topical treatments used to treat age spots. Most age spots are not cancerous, however they do pose a certain concern to most people and hence they want them removed. Most of the hydroquinone that is found in topical treatments is not more than 2% as this is in compliance with the law for over the counter treatment. Most of the hydroquinone used in mixed with other ingredients and it may be hard to come across a treatment that is only made from hydroquinone. The most effective way of acquiring hydroquinone would be to look for a product that has the highest dosage of this ingredient and applying it as per the inscriptions of the product.

When applying the product, it is important that the hydroquinone is applied in such a way that it will penetrate both the dermis and epidermis. This is very important if the age spots are to be treated and healed completely. However, this process will not happen overnight as you need to allow it at least 2 months before you can start seeing results.

When it comes to prescription hydroquinone, the percentage is much higher as it is double that of over the counter treatments. There are up to 30 brands names that offer this high dose of hydroquinone. If the age spots are particularly severe, the hydroquinone treatment can be used together with other treatments to aid in faster healing of the age spots.

It is important to note that when you use hydroquinone there may be irritation that can occur. It is recommended that during your treatment using this ingredient, your skin should be treated gently and with care. Hydroquinone should not be used on skin that is broken, wounded or open in any way.

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Home Treatment For Age Spots

Cream To Remove Age Spots



Home Remedy for Seborrheic Keratoses

Home Remedy for Seborrheic Keratoses

Seborrheic Keratoses is skin condition where there are abnormal growths on an individual’s skin. These brown growths are normally benign but that shouldn’t stop people checking them out with a doctor just in case. Most people do not appreciate their appearance and hence this has led many to seek out treatments to have their seborrheic keratoses removed. In as much as there are quite a number of treatment options available, not all of them are available and some of them are too expensive for an average income earner. This has caused people to seek out natural remedies that can get rid of these growths without resorting to expensive treatment methods. However, it is important that a person knows that if they choose to use home remedies then the results may take longer to show as compared to commercial or scientific treatment. Below are some home remedies that can be used to cure seborrheic keratoses;

  • Make a paste out of red clover and cleavers and mix it with a little bit of water. Apply this mixture to the affected are twice daily and allow it to sit anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.
  • One way of ensuring that the skin condition does not worsen is through avoiding any products or pastes that contain alcohol in them. This will only serve to make the condition worse.
  • If you have access to liquid nitrogen, you can use it to remove the growths. The nitrogen will freeze the growths through extreme temperatures after which you can cut the growth off from your skin. This procedure is tricky and should be done in a controlled environment with a first aid kit nearby.
  • Purchase glycolic acid and create a solution of 30%. Place this solution in a spray bottle and use it to spray on the seborrheic keratoses every morning and evening. With time, you will notice the appearance of the growths has improved.
  • Increase your intake of zinc daily. You can increase your intake by buying zinc supplements or eating a lot of foods that contains this mineral. Other minerals and vitamins that you can include are like selenium and biotin.
  • Applying tea tree oil has shown to increase the appearance of the growth. This application can be done twice per day. However, it should be left on the skin for only half an hour after which it should be washed off.
  • Hydrogen peroxide applied to the seborrheic keratoses daily is possibly the most effective home remedy for seborrheic keratoses available over the counter.

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Seborrheic Keratoses

Hydrogen Peroxide for Seborrheic Keratosis


Pigmentation Natural Treatment

Pigmentation Natural Treatment

Are you suffering from skin pigmentation and you are a little bit concerned about how to get rid of the skin problem? You should not worry in the least; the information here will advise you what to do to get rid of this skin problem and you can be sure of being free from it within a rather short period of time.  The methods that will be revealed to you are natural methods that will never involve the inclusion of medical procedures. You can easily find solutions to use yourself at home.

Aloe Vera

You can make use of Aloe Vera to treat pigmentation. You only need to apply it directly to the surface of the pigmentation. Make sure that you carry out the application as often as possible and within months you should start to see some improvement to your pigmentation.

Some Aloe Vera products are prepared in the form of gel and they can be obtained over the counter in most pharmacies. The Aloe Vera gel can be applied directly to the skin problem. Many of the Aloe Vera gel products do not however contain 100% Aloe Vera gel. In fact, many of them do not contain more than just 50% of the substance. But this 50% is just enough to work effectively on your skin against the skin pigmentation.

Topical creams

Several topical creams have been developed for the natural treatment of pigmentation. You will also be surprised to discover that many of the topical creams are made from herbs. This then makes them natural treatment methods for pigmentation. It is very easy to obtain the products over the counter. You need to wash the surface where you intend to apply the topical cream, dry the area and apply the cream to the surface of the skin. Carry this out up to twice each day and you are sure to see an improvement.

Raw foods

Have you ever heard of the possibility of raw potatoes helping with skin pigmentation? You need to take the raw potatoes and squeeze out their juices, the easiest way to do this is to grate the potato first, then you should be able to extract the juice easily. Apply the juice to the surface of the skin and there will be a whitening of the spot. Repeat this on a daily basis and it will help to remove pigmentation.

Onions can also help to fade pigmentation by applying the juice to the area of the skin affected by pigmentation.

Lemon juice contains citric acid which can gently burn and exfoliate the skin. Lemon juice is much stronger than the juice from potatoes and onions so results should be faster, but you should not over apply the juice as it may irritate the skin.

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Make Up For Pigmentation

Pigmentation Home Treatment


Natural Liver Spot Treatment

Natural Liver Spot Treatment

A liver spot can really make the skin look older. Due to this, several individuals who are having it are looking for any way to get rid of it; irrespective of the fact that they have advanced in age. There are several ways by which you can get rid of liver spot to the extent that no sign of the skin problem will ever be left on your skin in the least. This simple write up will open your eyes to some potent natural methods that can be very helpful in effectively removing the skin condition from your skin. The methods have been tried and tested over time and they had been discovered to be very helpful and effective. You too can trust in them to get rid of your liver spot.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a completely natural substance. In fact it consists of only hydrogen and oxygen: water [H2O] + an extra oxygen molecule [O] = H2O2. It comes in many strengths (it is diluted with pure water) and is used in many forms such as in food production, it can be added to drinking water and in its most potent form it is even used as rocket fuel!  Because it is completely natural, hydrogen peroxide can be directly applied to the surface of the skin affected by liver spots. When you make use of it, it is as good as any other natural product on the skin for the purpose of removing liver spot. The H2O2 will react on the surface of the skin, making it dry out and after a few applications the liver spot will peel off.


Any one on earth today will agree with you that prevention is better than a cure, it should also be noted that prevention is actually safer, better, cheaper and wiser than cure. One of the causative factors of this skin problem is the UV rays of the sun. If you expose your skin to Ultra Violet light, you stand a very great chance of ending up with this skin problem. In order to even prevent it from showing up at all, you should try to avoid staying for too long under the sun; especially if you are already aging, and always use SPF. If you already have your first liver spot, then I’m afraid the damage has already been done to your skin.

Alternative Natural Cures

Onions have been discovered to be very helpful against liver spot. All you need to do is to squeeze the liquid in the onion onto the liver spot and it will disappear with time. Apple cidar vinegar can also be mixed with onion juice and the mixture can be very effective against this skin problem.

Aloe Vera too had been discovered to be every useful against this skin condition. Apply the aloe Vera juice directly on the skin condition and it will disappear with time. Apply the aloe Vera up to twice in a day and leave it for up to 45 minutes each time.

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Liver Spot Home Treatment

Liver Spot Cream


Keratosis Spots On Skin

Keratosis Spots On Skin

Actinic keratosis actually looks like red or brown spots or blemishes on the skin.  It usually occurs in hair follicles in the form of a growth around that area. It looks like a papule and it usually has a pinkish color. It is an inflammation on the skin and it can be very painful. You can be very sure that keratosis is not the best thing to have on the skin in the least. In case you are having the kind of inflammation described above and you are not really sure whether it is keratosis or not, a quick visit to your doctor will correctly diagnose your skin condition, if it is actinic keratosis you must allow your doctor to treat it.

Usually, keratosis is found on the skin. You become more susceptible to it when you expose your skin to the direct glare of the sun.  In case you are the type that loves sunbathing, you stand a very good chance of developing keratosis on your skin. You will do well to get your whole body covered if you have to enter into the sun frequently. When it affects the face, the lesion formed by the skin condition appears very clearly on the eyelid of the affected person.

Keratosis does not occur in the younger ones. Rather, it is usually found on the skin of the elderly. Those who are advanced in age are the ones that usually bear the brunt of this skin condition. It is however not all elderly ones that end up with it; mostly those who had been consistently exposed to the sun when they were younger are the ones that can end up with keratosis.

In order to treat keratosis on your skin, excision can be used. It is however not advisable for anyone to try to get rid of keratosis by him or herself at home. There is no “Do It Yourself” option in this issue at all. You need the help of professional medical personnel.  Aside the use of excision, other surgical treatment methods can also be implemented to get rid of the skin condition.

You can also apply topical creams directly to the surface of the skin condition, which if the keratosis is on your face is a much better alternative to surgical excision which will leave a small scar. The creams actually target the fast growing cells and destroy them, the skin will turn extremely red turing treatment but will quickly heal afterwards. Many of the creams to treat actinic keratosis are prescription only and you will need to be prescribed it by your doctor.

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Keratosis Natural Treatment

Best Home Keratosis Removal


Home Treatment For Age Spots

Home Treatment For Age Spots

Age spots are brown spots that appear as a person ages and they are further facilitated by an individual’s skin being over exposed to the sun. Age spots are the usual sign that a person is aging and because this does not augur well with a majority of the population, a lot of people will be looking for ways to remove age spots. There are quite a number of options that are available when it comes to removing age spots, however most of them are quite expensive and hence more and more people are looking for cheaper alternatives or natural ways of removing age spots. If you are one of them, here are some home treatments that a person can use that work just as much as commercial treatments do.

  • Bleach is one way to get rid of age spots. However, it has been noted that bleach that contains lactic acid is the best option available for effectively reducing the appearance of brown spots.
  • Ground garlic cloves are a natural remedy for age spots. Crush 2-3 garlic cloves and squeeze the juice from it onto a cotton ball. Using this cotton ball spread the juice over your age spots in circular movements. After 8 weeks you should notice the age spots appearance gradually reducing.
  • Avoid staying in the sun for long periods of time. The sun is the major cause of age spots and avoiding it all together is a home treatment. If you are going out and will be exposed to the sun, it is advised that you apply sunscreen or cover up with sunglasses or a hat.
  • Take small dabs of Aloe Vera juice or gel and apply it to the age spots twice a day. Over time, the appearance of the age spots should gradually improve.
  • Water is a great agent when it comes to clearing the skin and removing unwanted toxins. Drinking the required 8 glasses or water in a day will help a great deal in achieving clearer skin which will also lead to the reduced appearance of age spots over time.
  • Buttermilk is effective in reducing the appearance of pigmentation so it can be dabbed on the age spots daily to reduce their appearance.
  • Castor oil is used in many home treatments because of its wonderful healing properties. In this case applying castor oil to the age spots in the morning and evening will be effective in treating age spots.

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Cream To Remove Age Spots

Age Spots Natural Treatment



Hydrogen Peroxide for Seborrheic Keratosis

Hydrogen Peroxide for Seborrheic Keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis is a skin condition that affects the skin cells and causes them to grow faster than normal skin cells hence forming growths on the surface of the skin. These particular seborrheic growths formed on the skin look to be stuck on, often giving people the impression that they can fall off. These growths are benign though they may cause alarm for someone who has never seen them before. They are round or oval in shape and range from light to dark brown. These brown growths are not pretty to look at and this is the main reason as to why many people prefer to have them removed. Most of these growths occur in groups on a particular area of the body but it is also normal to see a single one from time to time. Seborrheic keratoses do not appear within a short period of time as most of them form over a period of years.

There are a lot of treatment options that are available for patients suffering from seborrheic keratosis. However the most effective treatment would be that of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide solution if used continuously over time will help in effectively reducing the appearance of the growths. The concentration of the hydrogen peroxide matters a lot. It is said that the best concentrate would be at the 35% mark.

A lot of attention needs to be given when it comes to applying the solution onto the  keratosis growths. This is because the hydrogen peroxide burns and it can easily irritate the surrounding skin. To prevent this from happening, petroleum jelly or some lotion can be applied to the skin surrounding the seborrheic keratosis as the application is in process. As soon as the hydrogen peroxide touches the growth, it will bubble and turn white and remain that way for a few minutes after which it will turn pink. You will also notice scabs appearing on the growths. These scabs will dry out and then fall off revealing the skin beneath. This application process should best be done with the use of a cotton ball or by using a cotton bud or q-tip.

It is important that this treatment is repeated on a daily basis because one application is not enough to achieve the desired effect. Seborrheic keratosis is the kind of skin condition that is recurrent and hence, it is advised that hydrogen peroxide be added to a person’s bath water in small quantities or concentrations.

Hydrogen peroxide is 100% natural, it is commonly used in the preparation of food, is often added to bath water and can even be added to drinking water.

In addition to using hydrogen peroxide for seborrheic keratosis, one other method commonly used to treat this skin condition is through the use of glycolic acid which in itself, is also quite effective.

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Seborrheic Removal

Seborrheic Keratosis Natural Removal


Make Up For Pigmentation

Make Up For Pigmentation

Pigmentation on the skin can make a person feel very ugly, and have a huge effect on their self confidence. One of the problems as far as pigmentation is concerned is that it can be seen on your skin from afar. It is not a surprise then to see that anyone suffering from skin pigmentation would rather want to get rid of it without delay. In case you already have it on your skin, and you do not want to try out the treatment options just yet, there are simple things that you can do in order to cover the pigmentation and restore your skin to its normal state, and to get your confidence back.

What pigmentation make up can do for you

With the aid of make up, you will be able to cover up the change of skin tone very well and the pigmentation will no longer be a bother to you. With the aid of make up, no one around will be able to notice the brown patches on your skin.  When you apply the make up on your skin, it acts as a foundation covering the skin, and can be used on the face or anywhere on the body. The make-up will only cover pigmentation and not help to treat it permanently.

What to look out for in pigmentation make up

When you are looking out for a material to be used as pigmentation make up, there are certain things you will do well to look into. First of all, you need to find out how natural the make up is. Natural products work better without leaving any form of side effect on you after you have washed it off. You should also look for a material that will have long lasting effect on you skin and not one that will simply work for a while and not help you with the skin problem. If the make up begins to get irritating, you should also look for a way of getting rid of it and buying another that will not have such a contrary effect on your skin.

Its best to look for specific camoflage make up for pigmentation, they may be more expensive than your regular make-up but it is specifically designed to be used anywhere on the body and will not rub off, some even last for days.

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Pigmentation Home Treatment

Hereditary Pigmentation


Liver Spot Home Treatment

Liver Spot Home Treatment

A liver spot can be quite worrisome when it appears on the skin. The affected person tends to feel rather disturbed; considering the rate at which the liver spot discolors the skin and makes a person look older than their years. As one grows older, the chance of having this skin problem tends to rise.  At times like this, it is important to reduce the rate at which gets him or herself exposed to the sun. Generally, a liver spot does not have any kind of side effect whatsoever. It does not lead to cancer and is not contagious. But if you would prefer to get your youthful skin back, you can still work towards getting rid of the brown spots.  In order to get rid of this skin problem, you do not need to visit the hospital in the least; you can easily get things sorted out yourself right at home.  Some simple liver spot home treatment methods that can be used will be highlighted in this article.

Onion to the rescue

Onion had been discovered to be a very helpful ingredient for an effective liver spot home treatment. It is very easy and cheap to obtain. Its application is also so easy. You simply need to squeeze the onion to extract its juice. Apply the juice directly onto the surface of the spots on your skin using a finger or a q-tip. Repeat this up to two times a day, and each evening before you go to bed. After some weeks of consistent usage, you should notive an improvement to the appearance of your liver spot.

Try apple cider vinegar

In order to get rid of the liver spot from your skin, you can also make use of apple cider vinegar. This too had been discovered to be able to remove the brown spots and help you to recover your normal skin again. The solution is very mild on the skin and it will not lead to any form of burning. Consistent application for a couple of months may needed before you can expect to see any noticable improvement of the skin condition.

Apple cider vinegar plus onion

In order to get better and faster results from the treatment of liver spot, some individuals had tried mixing apple cider vinegar and onion juice together. The two are then applied directly on the spot as above to get the brown spots removed. Claims had been made of how very effective this method of treatment is.

Something stronger

Some stronger liver spot home treatments can include glycolic acid or hydrogen peroxide. Both are strong substances and should be used gradually and with care. There are ready made liver spot home removal kits available to buy with everything you need to complete your treatment. You will see much faster results using these products, although they are still completely natural just much stronger than onions and apple cider vinegar.

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Liver Spot Cream

Liver Spot Removal Cream