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Seborrheic Keratoses

Seborrheic Keratoses

Seborrheic keratoses are skin growths that closely resembles other skin conditions; they have a waxy and greasy characteristic. Seborrheic Keratoses are noncancerous and involves skin growths that originate in keratinocytes. The lesions normally occur at the trunk or head, face, chest, shoulders, the back and the neck region of elderly and middle aged adults. They feel flat or slightly elevated and can range from very small to even larger than 2.5 centimeters and appear in different colors from black to light tan and are oval or round.

The only thing about this skin condition is that it causes one to feel unattractive and though the growths can resemble warts, they have no viral origin. Because only the top layer of the epidermis is affected, the growths are often described as having a pasted on appearance. The growths are normally painless and may require no treatment but you may prefer having them removed if they are irritated by the clothing or for cosmetic reasons like your own body beauty.

Seborrheic keratoses have the following clinical features and symptoms are: The growths have a tan or brown color at the start and they may turn dark over time, they are mainly on the trunks and the neck regions of adults and especially in the later years, the lesions may be contiguous or adjacent malignant skin neoplasm that are of various types, they look like they have been glued to the skin, as opposed to growing from it and they rarely itch and have a greasy appearance.

Although the condition may cause a little irritation bit is okay if you do nothing about it, do not try to remove them yourselves because an infection can occur.

Use mild detergents while washing your clothes so that your skin is not affected when you wear the clothing, and especially the areas affected by the Seborrheic keratoses.

If it is the first time you are using the home remedy, it is advisable that you start by applying on one specific or a small section maybe the back. Do not apply the solution to the whole body. This method will give you a chance to assess how the solution works on your skin and its effects. The examples of these home remedies are using hydrogen peroxide or the use of glycolic acid solution which may sometimes cause some stinging effect on the area of application. If the stinging from the use of such chemicals becomes unbearable, or if you notice another negative effect of the solution, please discontinue use. When applying such chemicals on your spots take care because some may have effects on your skin if mishandled.

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