Skin Pigmentation | What Types Of Pigmentation Are There?
Melanin protects our skin from the sun’s harmful rays, and it also gives our skin pigment. Melanin also determines the skin color of an individual. When melanin is not produced in a consistently moderate amount, the skin can become discolored and patchy which is called pigmentation.
The roots and effects of skin pigmentation are different. If you would like to know more about the types of skin pigmentation, the details are below.
• Ephelides/Freckles
Ephelides are mostly inherent in people with fair skin. They come out on the cheeks, chest, shoulders although some have freckles over their entire body. Having some freckles can make you look charming but when it is too many, it could be a nuisance.
• Solar Lentigines
These dark spots are also referred to as age spots, liver spots or sun spots. They are commonly derived from accumulated damaged melanocytes, which crumple together, thus producing dark spots on skin. The parts of the skin which gets the most sunlight are susceptible to solar lentigines. They may look similar to freckles, but mostly solar lentigines are the result of sun damage to the skin.
• Melasma
Melasma occurs more in women than in men. Women who take birth control pills are more inclined to having melasma. They are dark irregular patches usually found on the facial area, especially the cheeks, nose and the forehead. There are two types of melasma, epidermal and dermal melasma. Epidermal melasma is superficial, it only affects the upper epidermis. Dermal melasma is skin deep so it could be difficult to cure.
• Chloasma
Chloasma is an alternative name for Melasma but is one of the implications of pregnancy, hence it is commonly referred to as the Pregnancy Mask. Sun exposure can aggravate this condition, which can also appear on the abdomen.
The abovementioned pigmentation troubles are caused by too much pigmentation. It’s time to discuss hypopigmentation, the reverse of hyperpigmentation. Hypopigmentation translate to the loss of pigment on skin.
• Skin Damage
The skin may also lose pigment due to wounds.
• Albinism
Albinism is the complete absence of melanin. People affected with this have very white skin color, eye color and hair color. There is a gene which restricts the production of melanin in albino people. Albinos have a greater danger of skin cancer as their skin has no natural protection.
• Vitiligo
The common symptoms of vitiligo are smooth white patches on skin. When pigment producing cells are destroyed, vitiligo can affect an individual. There is no cure for vitiligo up to now, but there are some ways like make up to conceal vitiligo.
One should seek medical advice before going through any treatment of these skin conditions. Self diagnisos can be hazardous, only when your condition has been diagnosed by a dermatologist should you begin the recommended treatment.