The Symptoms of Seborrheic KeratosisSeborrheic keratosis are growths that occur on the outer layer of the skin, i.e. the epidermis. These growths are mistaken to be cancerous while they’re actually not. These growth mimic warts in appearance but couldn’t be more different. This is because warts develop from the inner layer of the skin while these growths develop from the surface only. Seborrheic keratosis have characteristics of their own that make them stand out. One of them is that they have a tendency to look like they’ve been stuck on. If you’ve ever gotten the chance to see what a wax of candle looks like on skin then that’s what these growths should look like too. They almost look as if you could simply pull them away. Most people who develop this condition have the habit of picking at them maybe with the thought that they can just peel off. This aggravates the skin surrounding the growth then eventually the growth itself becomes affected. If it reaches that point, the growth may actually bleed. At that point it would be advisable to visit a doctor. As to who can develop seborrheic keratosis, the answer is anyone. They can form on children just as much as they can form on adults. They are commonly found to develop on the chest and back but there are reported cases of them growing on the face and even scalp. Although it is not known why, these growths can be very itchy and the itchiness seems to increase with age. Some women have noted that during pregnancy, due to the high levels of estrogen, these growths occur. This condition is said to be hereditary and runs in the family. It is not contagious and one cannot get it just by touching it or coming into contact with a person who has them. What are the symptoms of Seborrheic Keratosis? The first sign that could tell you whether you may be forming a seborrheic keratosis or not is that you’ll notice small growths that are beige or black in color. They can also be blonde depending on the individual but it should be noted that the growth will have a different color from the surrounding skin. There is itchiness that accompanies the growth. If you are constantly scratching that growth, chances are that you’ve developed seborrheic keratosis. The surface of the growth can be soft or rough.
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